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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Garden of Eden story

10,000 to 6,000 years ago, this world was created by God with one thought.  He created man, women, animals, nature, earth, and light, all with one thought.  He named the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve.  They lived in a garden, and God had one rule for these two, to not eat from the tree in the center of the garden, or they would die.  One day Eve was walking around the garden, and found the Tree of Life, which was the tree in the center of the garden.  She started to walk past it, and then heard a voice.  She looked around back at the tree, and found a snake slithering in a smooth slow fashion down the trunk of the tree.  She stared at the peculiar snake.  It looked up at her, and stared back, suddenly it spoke in a demonic way, he hissed with every word as it rolled an evil way off his tongue, "Hello, Eve."  He greeted slowly.
   "You speak?"  Eve asked, not frightened, just curious.
   "Yes, you're God gave me the ability to speak."
   Eve studied the snake for a moment, until it continued, "Why don't you have one of these delicious fruits on this tree?"  
   "Well God has told my husband, Adam, and I that we should not eat of this fruit."  She replied.
   The snake chuckled in a evil hissing way, "Don't you see?  Your God does not want you to eat of this tree, because He knows you will become like Him."  He paused, and smiled in the best way a snake could, "God does not want you to eat of this fruit, because He knows your eyes will be opened, and you shall be like gods.  You will know all good and evil."  It smiled in it's peculiar way again, deep into her soul.
   Eve thought about it for a moment, and gazed at the tempting beautiful fruit, and found they gleamed in the sun, and the colors shone off vibrant colors.  She thought, Surely fruit this delicious looking could not make me die.  She tilted her head, making up her mind.  Will one little taste surely kill me?  She snatched up one of the fruits, and took one delicious taste of the fruit.  She chewed the little bit and it slid down her throat, leaving a savory taste in her mouth, she relished the enticing flavor.  Without another thought she tore into the enticing fruit, and relished the sweet flavors, as she heard the snake hiss at her, "Good, isn't it delicious?  Keep eating, it will make you more knowledgeable." 
   After her appetizing snack was gone, she stared at the snake, and sighed.  She then heard the sound of footsteps approaching her, and turned around.  Her husband, Adam, came into view behind the bushes.  He smiled, and she returned the smile.  She gestured toward the tree, "Adam, have one of the fruits."  She suggested.  
A worried expression crossed over her husbands face, "Eve, did you eat a fruit from the forbidden Tree of Life?"
   Eve nodded, "But I didn't die, as He said we would.  It is the most delicious tasting fruit I have ever tasted, and it gives you the knowledge of a god."
   Adam and Eve fought for a moment, but she convinced him to taste the gratifying fruit.  In one moment he had it gulped down his throat also, and he smiled. But then he frowned, and so did Eve.  Because they just remembered what they did, and became ashamed.  Without even speaking to one another, they ran through the garden, and hid from the sight of God, who they knew would becoming soon.  After hiding behind a bush, they listened for the slightest bit of noise.  After a while of waiting, they heard the footsteps of a man.  They shrunk behind the bush, and feared of confronting Him.  It was silent for a moment, then a kind and wise voice spoke, "Eve, Adam, my children, where have you gone?"
   Adam stood up slowly, Eve followed.  They stared at Him with fear.  "What is wrong my children?"  He asked with concern.
   Adam spoke, since Eve stayed silent.  "God, we ate from the Tree of Life."  He told Him, ashamed.
   A look of recognition and grief crossed over His face, and He spoke with immense sorrow, "Why did you do this, children?"
   "The woman, the one you gave to me, made me do it."  He told Him, in his defense.
   His eyes shifted toward, Eve, "Eve, why did you do this?"  
   Eve looked down at the ground, and spoke, "It was the serpent my God, he tricked me into eating the fruit."
   God thought for a moment, He had known this would come, but He had had no idea it would be this hard.  "Children, for your disobedience, comes consequence."
   Adam and Eve stared at Him, in sadness, and regret.  He continued, "You must be cast out of this garden."  He faced Adam in pain, "Adam, you must work on ground that I have cursed, and you will eat from it.  Thorns will possess the ground, and you will have much work."  He turned to Eve, "Eve, I will multiply the pains of childbirth for you, and your daughters.  I will also multiply your sorrows."
   So, he cast them out of the garden because of their sins, and set an angel with two swords in front of the garden to guard it.  But He did not completely shun them, He still was there for them, and their children, and children's children.  

I hope you enjoyed that.  Maybe I will post more stories soon.  :)
If you want to check out this story in the bible, it is in Genesis 3:1-24

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