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The Nutty REEEES

Riah and Emma (the sister of the girlz), made a group with their cul-de-sac friends called the REEEES! The REEEES has made a blog, here is their first post, Enjoy!!

We are the REEEES... we've lived in the same cul-de-sac right by each other for the past, seven years.  The REEEES includes, Ellie (13), Emma Jay (12), Emma Kay (11), Riah (10), Elijah (9), and Sarah (6).  Now you probably understand why we call ourselves the REEEES, we took each of our initials and scrambled to create a new word, the meaning... A group of wackos, with the initials of, R E E E E and S, who live right next door to each other and decided that they should just all the sudden make a group to have fun, even though half the time they argue with each other.  :)  Like the meaning?!?!!
Anyway, we recently decided to create a blog, here is our first post.  It is about each of us, and our interests.  ENJOY!!!!!

Ellie: I am 13 years old and the oldest in the REEEES. I am also the leader. TA-DA! My intrests include horses, dogs, bunnies (okay really just animals), reading, writing, reading, running, reading, swimming and oh did I mention READING. I want to take archery and riding lessons (on a horse, duh) My favorite subject is Science, for no particular reason really, I just like it. I am not reeeelly (see what I did there?) obsessive over anything (unlike Emma Jay) I just like that I am tall. Seriously, that might be the only thing I slightly obesess over. I like pickles and don't like cheese. At all. Whatsoever. Never ever will I like cheese. But oddly enough I say "cheese and pickles" whenever we take a picture. Emma Jay, who by the way her real name is Emma JAYNE, is my best friend. Well, my only friend reeeelly. I have no social life whatsoever. I do have some friends at youth group, but I am homeschooled. And that is pretty self explanatory. I am the funny one in the group, obviously!

Emma Jay:  I am 12 years old, and the vice leader of the REEEES.  I have lived in the cul-de-sac with my sisters, Riah and Sarah (Actually Sarah wasn't born when we moved here), for eight years.  I love to read and write and I like to do archery.  I started writing when I was five years old, on the sidewalk of my house. I like to ride horses, and I took lessons, for a year and a half.  I definitely don't care about fashion or girly stuff, you can tell when you first see me.  I like basketball and piano,and my favorite color is blue. My best subject is spelling, so I get reeeelly obsessive when someone makes a spelling error, until they fix... thus making me very annoying when typing. :) Ellie is my best friend, and I hang out with her sister when I'm not hanging out with Ellie. I'm writing more right now so I can have a longer profile thingy than Elijah. I like to wear jeans!! Like thats all I wear for pants... Jeans!! I am very competitive... which is why I'm trying to have more than Elijah right now!!  I am the more obsessive of the group, AND I'M PROUD OF IT!! 

Emma Kay: I am 11 years old and my real name is Emma KATE Maddox. I love things that are giant and/or squishy. My favorite toy is my giant stuffed bear named Charles because he looked sophisticated. I love sculpting and drawing robots. I like most colors except for greenish, dark browns. They are just gross. I am somewhat obsessive and slightly awkward. Emma Jay and I hang out sometimes. We get along because . . . well . . both of our names are Emma and other unknown things I can't think of. I like rollerblading and skateboarding, though I'm not great at either. But my absolute favorite thing to do is (drum roll please) SWIMMING! I am the oddest in the REEEES, if people don't like it then poor them. :-)

Riah: I am 10 years old. I like drawing and singing and reeeelly anything creative or artsy.  My favorite color is pink or blue. Emma Jay reeeelly doesn't want it to be blue. My real first name, well the full version, is Moriah. I can be kind of clumsy sometimes. I am sort of a mix between tomboy and girly, mostly girly. . . like all of the time, except maybe sometimes when I'm outside. My favorite T.V. show is Once Upon A Time. My favorite characters in Once Upon A Time are Emma Swan and Rumplestilkin. I want to be able to go to Africa someday to a missionary nurse. My best friend is Emma Kay. I am the awkward one in the REEEES... Bye now.

Elijah: I am 9 years old. I am the second shortest and the only boy in the REEEES. I have a lot of extra energy. I like to play basketball and I have a "motor mouth". I don't have a problem with shouting random things, for instance "BOB!". I am one of the 3 Maddoxes in the REEEES (the others are my older sisters Emma Kay and Ellie). I also have another older brother, Nathaniel, and older sister, Lillie, that were adopted from Monrovia, Liberia in Africa. My favorite color is orange. I have no idea why, but . . . orange. Things that annoy me. . . Ellie :-) I am the silliest in the group, but in my opinion I am crazy not silly at ALL! BOB!!!

Sarah: I am six years old.  I like to play outside, and my favorite subject is math.  My favorite color is... colors.  I am the shortest in the REEEES, but almost taller then 'lijah!  :)  HE HE HE!  My favorite sister, is  my little sister Leah... that really  offended Emma Jay and Riah.  I'm the insane one, and I'm taller then Ellie and Emma Jay!!  (Emma Jay & Ellie:  Not really)

Here is their website,
Hope you come and visit!!


  1. Emma and Ellie-
    (as Emma already knows) I have a horse. Maybe i could talk to my mom and dad about having you guys over and maybe hanging out with the horses :)
    The only problem is that my mom and i (we both have a horse) are very realistic...meaning:there is a lot of work to do before we could does take a long time do everything! We do NOT keep our horses at our house so we do have to drive there! Hope maybe we can get together!
    Emma already knows me but if you want to see who i am here is the link to my Facebook and this is my email address!!!! Facebook: and my email is
    If you don't already know.....this is Katelyn Atwood :)

    1. Hey, Katelyn! This is Emma, that sounds like fun! Maybe we could get together sometime and do that. I know Ellie and I would LOVE to do it! Maybe we could get our moms talking, and then my mom could ask Ellie's mom. That would be awesome!

  2. Also- I really like this website :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
