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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tied By Fear

I have been working on this story on and off, for the past six months, and have just finished. I will be putting it on here every other day, and I hop you enjoy it. Please comment below, and tell me what you think. Please criticize my work if needed, I love to take my flaws and practice to perfection, and would love to hear your opinions. Also, could you suggest some titles?? I am not very good at coming up with them, and right now I'm just calling it, Dakota, but would love to change. Thank you, I hope you enjoy this. :)
Maddox walked into the room, and gazed at his sister, “Have you located anyone?”  Maddox asked his sister Jill, who was hard at work on the computer.
 “No, I have a few that might work, but none of them are great.”  Jill answered Maddox.
 “Jill Tanner, you know how urgent this is.  We need someone now!”
Jill flipped her short cropped red hair around, and glared at her younger brother with angry hazel eyes, “Well Maddox,” his name hissed off her tongue, like a snakes, “I don’t see you making any progress either, and yes, of course I know how urgent this is.”
 She turned back to her work on the desk, “Fine, I’ll just leave-“
Mid sentence, Maddox was interrupted by another voice, “I found someone who might work, Tanner.”
 The siblings both turned around and stared at Joseph Snake, “Which one?!” They asked strictly, in unison.
 Joseph cleared his throat, “Um, Mr. Tanner.”
 Jill grunted, and turned back around to the desktop as Maddox left to another room.  He made long clumsy strides following Joseph.  He turned right into a large room, full of computers, and many other associates working at each one.  Joseph led Maddox to one, with the picture of a girls smiling face.  She had brown hair, and green eyes, and side bangs covered the left side of her forehead.  “This is Miss Hunter, she is going to Sweet Home high school in Oregon.  She is trained in self- defense, and very skilled with weapons.”
 Maddox became curious, “Does she carry weapons around?”
 “No,” Joseph answered with his Canadian accent, “but she does sometime have her pocketknife with her.”
 “Well, she just might have to start.”  Maddox commented.
 Joseph continued, “Her mother has also said her daughter is very good at picking locks.”
 Maddox smiled, and pondered over the information for a moment, “Yes, we will need her.  What is her name?”
 “Dakota Hunter.”


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