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Monday, October 27, 2014

Wise Words From My Cousin

I was browsing through Facebook a couple weeks ago, and found one of my cousins post.  I began reading, and I decided I needed to share this with you.  Here are her wise words:

Ever get that bad feeling when you didn't do your homework? When you get to school and you try to laugh it off? But when you get to class and the teacher comes around and asks "did you do your homework Nickelle?" And then you have to shake your head no and get this feeling in your stomach because you are guilt about it. In that moment you wished you had more time to do it. But in reality you had a lot of time. You were just slacking off and procrastinating. That's how it's like with God. You go through life while he asks you to do thugs for him. You keep saying you will do it but you go back to your comfort zone and procrastinate. You wait until you want to do it. In the end God asks you "son/daughter, did you do what I asked of you?" And you have to look to God and say no you didn't. Then you go hide in your little hole and wish you had more time. You feel guilty. But just like the homework, God gave you plenty time. You just had to choose to do it.
We have to stop slacking off. We need to do what is right wether we want to or not. In both our relationship with God and school we all like the feeling of "yes I did it. I did what was asked of me." The teacher (God) is proud and is happy with you. I struggle with it too (homework & God) but all of us need to be better about being obedient. We need to do our homework.

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