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Monday, October 27, 2014

The Shot Heard Around the World

This week in school one of the Girlz, Riah, created a report on the Shot Heard Around the World.  I (Emma) was listening to her read her report, and one of the last sentences was, "To this day no one knows who shot the first shot.  But it was the shot heard of around the world."  That gave me a spark of inspiration for a short story.  To start this story off, "Who fired that first shot, the shot that was heard around the world?"
Here is the answer:

It was 1775, and Daniel Stockholm laid his gun on his shoulder.  He shouted to his wife, across the room, "I'm go'in out hunt'in, Bessie!  I'll come home with a large deer for dinner tomorrow night!"
   "Daniel, be careful!  I hear there are red-coats out tonight!"  Bessie answered.
   Daniel nodded, and left the house.  He breathed in the cold night air.  He always preferred hunting at night, less of a chance he might accidentally shoot someone.  For the next hour, he tracked some prints of a deer, and eventually it lead him to some bushes.  He glanced through the twigs and leaves of the branches, and found the sight of a few tens of America's minute-men holding guns and staring hard at something across from them.  The people across from them wore shiny red-coats, and fancy boots and hats.  They stood straight and "professional."  They were the red-coats, they worked for the King of England.  A general shouted at America's minute-men, "Disperse you rebels, or force will be used upon you!"
   The minute-men did not budge.  Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Daniel caught the sight of a deer.  Out of instinct, he turned his back on the debating soldiers and minute-men, and fired at the deer.  It fell to the ground, and as it did, he heard the sound of shots behind him.  He turned back, and saw a raging battle had begun between the two sides.  Gun shots rang in the night air.  Daniel sat, transfixed, for the next hour, until the Red-Coats began retreating.  Minutes later, Daniel was moving his deer, when he overheard the voice of two minute-men.  "Who shot that first time?"  One asked, "Us, or the Red-Coats?"
   The second man shrugged, "I don't know.  But it's started a war between Britain and America."
   Holy Moly!  I just started a war!  Daniel thought, realizing he had shot that first shot, when he shot his deer.  He journeyed home, in deep thought, dragging the deer behind him.  When he entered his home, he told Bessie (who was still awake out of worry) what had happened.  She brushed aside his worry, and responded, "Well at least you brought me food to make our dinner with.  That's all that matters.  Let the British and Americans have their silly war.  It doesn't matter nearly as much as our dinner!"

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