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Sunday, August 3, 2014

June Melody

Here is the first part of a story I just got done writing.  I do not have any else of the story done, except for this.  But when I am all done with the story, I'll put it on here.  For now I just want to know what you think of the beginning.

Dear Diary,
I feel so bad for lying to the Secraments.  They are so kind, and have accepted me like family- which they think I am.  Last night I was dreaming about Tommy drowning, and woke up screaming and crying.  The dream seemed so real, it scared me to death.  I accidentally woke up Patricia (she was sleeping in the same room as me), she came over and comforted me as if I were her own sister.  
  But I have to make sure I don’t get to close to them.  If I do, with my luck, they’ll probably end up blown up and dead.  I’ve decided that I’m going to leave in a couple weeks, I just can’t stay much longer without getting to attached to them.  I’m just going to slip out in the middle of the night, hopefully Nelly won’t see me.  She is such a night owl.  Today we were watching the news, and a news story was interrupted with “breaking news.”  
  They said that June Stark had been seen around the area of Brenton, New Jersey.  I tensed up instantly and almost shouted at the tv to stop hunting me around like a dog.  Nelly clicked her tongue as she scrapbooked at the table and said, “They need to find that girl soon, she’s been running around the country like a wild maniac, and I’m not sure how long we will be safe.”
  Patricia responded with another hurtful remark, “I hope that they find her also, who knows what she’ll do next.  Criminals minds are so twisted and retarded.”
  I stayed silent, and tried my hardest to not say something stupid.  Ryan glanced up from his newspaper at that point, and answered to Patricia, “No less, that girl needs to hear the truth of the gospel.  She needs God just as much as anyone else.  You have no idea what makes her do what she does.”  He had paused, then continued, “But they do need to do their duty, and find that girl.  I don’t want her getting anywhere near my family.”
  I wonder what they’d do if they knew she had been in that very room as they said that.

June Melody

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