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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why Emma is a Tomboy...

When I was little, there were many reasons why I was a tomboy.  Now there’s only a few, but you know, I had a lot of reasons when I was little.  One of the reasons was, I really liked Spider-man when I was younger.  I had never seen the Spider-man movies, but you know, I liked him.  When I realized that most girls didn’t like that type of thing, I self proclaimed myself as a tomboy because I liked Spider-man.  There were also other reasons.  I never really liked to do my hair and stuff, but most girls did.  So I decided I was a tomboy, because I just didn’t want to care about that stuff, and I wanted to get dirty, and do pranks and stuff.  
  Also, when I first learned to read I found this series, American Girl.  The first series I read in American Girl was, Felicity (Felicity lives in the 1700’s).  In Felicity, she finds this horse that is being badly mistreated, and she decides to train it, and pretty much steal it.  She wears pants and runs out into the night to help the horse.  She takes tea lessons, which she doesn’t want to take, and she doesn’t want to do all the proper stuff, she wants to be herself.  Basically her life sounded pretty fun to me.  We had a lot of things in common, we loved horses, we wanted be ourselves, she didn’t want to do fancy stuff, she wanted to do things that were different.  I didn’t want to do anything fancy, so I decided I was a tomboy.  
  One other reason is, I was- and am- very impatient, I just didn’t have the patience to do my hair, to look for clothes. So I decided I was a tomboy.  I also really enjoyed wrestling and weapons when I was little.  I loved guns, I fantasized about shooting a bow, and tackling down a “bad guy.”  I stared at knives, and thought about getting so good one day I would never miss.  Girly girls didn’t do that kind of stuff- at least that’s what I thought when I was five, now I know a couple girly girls who actually enjoy shooting guns- so I decided I was a tomboy, and I needed to be one so I could do that stuff.  

  When I was little I also only had three friends that were girls, and like ten friends that were boys.  So you know, I kind of never knew to be girly, I played with a bunch of guys!!!  Of course now, I can hardly stand boys.  But anyway… that's why I’m a tomboy, well now its mainly because I don’t have patience, and I just don’t want to wear dresses and stuff, and I don’t let people make me do things that are boring.  But you know, that's where it sprouted from.  So yeah, this post was really random, but I just wrote it… so yeah.  

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