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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tied By Fear: Chapter 6

Dakota sat in her corner, alone, attempting to comprehend away out.  I could apprehend Red and Blonde, the next time they come down.  But they have guns, and Creepy would still be here.  I could just slip out of the room, next time they opened the door, then get the police.  Dakota looked up at the three foot wide staircase.  But there’s no where to hide while they open the door.  Or I could open release the rattlesnake on them!!  Maybe that would… wait, they have guns.  “You know it’s not that entertaining to stare at a wall.”  A male voice commented from behind her.
 Dakota glanced behind her, and to her shock, she saw Ian standing there, with the others staring at him.  “You want to come talk with us?”  He asked.
 Dakota stared at him for a moment, then stood, and followed him.  She sat down along with the others, awkwardly.  Ian sat down across from her and smiled, as if everything was absolutely perfect.  “So Dakota, that is your name, right?”  Sarah asked.  Dakota nodded, “What do you think of the threesome?”
  “Um, they’re not very good hosts.”  Dakota chuckled, nervously.
  “Really?”  Brooke said with sarcasm in her voice, “I hadn’t noticed.
  Dakota stared at the ground, and licked at her dry lips.  “I nicknamed them.”
  Brooke smiled, “Now were talking!  I hadn’t thought of that.”
  Sarah seemed curious, and gave Dakota a strange stare.  “What are they?”  Ian asked.
  “Well, they’re just simple nicknames.  But the red head is, Red, the girl is, Creepy, and the other guy is Blonde.”
  Brooke didin’t seem satisfied, “Nah, we have to come up with good nicknames.”
  “Like… what?”  Samuel asked.
  Dakota thought how he had the break between words seemed strange to her, and she squinted at him.  “He always talks like that.”  Jordan whispered, over her shoulder.
  “I don’t know.  But we have to come up with something for them.  What should we do for the blonde one?”  Brooke asked.
  Sarah clenched her teeth, “How ‘bout Snake.”
  “Snake!”  Brooke proclaimed, a almost too loudly, “I like that one.  So Snake, and I like Creepy, but what about the red head?”
  Dakota sighed, their ignorance and lack of motivation to escape bothered her, and she tried not show it.  “What about, Cammando?”  Ian suggested.
  “Nah.”  Brooke rejected.
  “Who put you in chrge of nicknaming them?”  Sarah asked.
  “I did.”  Brooke answered.
  “Well we should all-”
  Dakota couldn’t hold it anymore, “Shouldn’t we be thinking of a way to get out of here?”  She asked, as calmly as possible.
  They all stared at her is disbelief, “Dakota, we’ve already tried to look for an escape.  There is none.”  Jordan told her.
  “Well, I think there is one.”  Dakota admitted.
  Sarah raised an eyebrow, “Fine look for an escape, but if one of us gets even the tiniest scratch because of you, you’re down.”  She threatened.
  Dakota tensed, and stood up.  Dear God, please help me find an escape.  She parayed as she ascended the stairs, and began to inspect the lock.  Please help me find one, I dont want to die.

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