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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tied By Fear: Chapter 9

Dakota woke up to the sound of beeping beside her, and white walls.  She coughed, and sat up.  “Where-”
  She laid her eyes on two people, sitting beside the bed she laid on, with worried looks on their faces.  They looked up at her, and locked their gaze on hers, “Mom, dad?”  Dakota asked, with tears forming in her eyes.  
  “Dakota.”  Her mom cried, with tears streaming down her face.
  Her mom leaned forward, and hugged her.  Tears fell down Dakota’s cheeks at thirty miles per hour, while she buried her face into her moms shoulder.  Dakota did not want to stop hugging her mom, but after a moment, her mom let go, and she glanced at her dad.  “Daddy.”  She whispered.
  Dakota saw tears was running down his rough face, and he stared at Dakota in disbelief.  Before she could say anything to him, her mom interrupted, “Dakota, I am so sorry.”
  “What are you sorry about?”  Dakota asked.
  “The day you were kidnapped, and I left you at the house, I did that. I knew it was going to happen and I let it.”  Tears continued to stream down her face as she explained, “Moments before I called you down, one of the men attacked me, and threatened to kill me and everyone else if I did not do as they said.”
  Dakota studied her mom, and spoke, “It’s fine, I forgive you.”
  Tears continued to travel down her face, as she began to ask questions.  “How did I get here?”
  “The police brought you here, they found you and the others all unconscious with your captors.  They were loading you all in the car, when we caught them.”  Her dad answered.
  “Yes, I went with the police department when we found out where you guys were.”
  Dakota sat astonished, “Wait, we were in Sweet Home the whole time?”
  Dakota paused for a moment, before continuing.  “Are the others all right?”
  A look of sadness spread through her moms face, “Ian and Brooke are all right, as well as you, but-”
  “Then what am I doing here?!”  Dakota asked, a little too loud.
  “The doctors want to keep you in for observation.”  Her dad answered.
  There was silence in the room for a moment, but her mom continued, “Jordan was shot in her left shoulder, really close to her heart, the doctors are concerned, but think she’ll be okay.  Samuel is okay, they got out the venom in time, but.”
  Dakota held her breath, as she waited for her mom to continue, “They did not get the venom out in time for Sarah, she died this morning.”
  Dakota’s breath caught in her throat, “But, she couldn’t have died, Sarah…”  Her voice trailed off.
  No matter how the others had treated her, she still had loved them.  She didn’t know why, but she had gotten attached to them.  Maybe it was because they had gone through the same thing together.  More tears found its way down Dakotas face.  She laid down on her pillow and sobbed, “I’m sorry, Dakota.”  She heard her mom apologize.
  More tears sprung up, and rushed down the sides of her face.  She tried to stifle them, but couldn’t.  She strained to remember the last words Sarah had said, well, of course not.  I’ve seen people do nothing but wrong things my entire life. Her words weren’t very significant, but they were true.  She heard a door open and a nurse order her parents out of the room.  Then she commanded to Dakota, “Fall asleep, you need to get some rest.”
  The nurse left the room, and Dakota cried and let the tears pour out and soak her pillow, intil she fell asleep.

Please tell me what you think, thank you!

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