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Monday, June 30, 2014

Tied By Fear: Chapter 5

Dakota sat down at the bottom of the stairs, staring at the others little group.  All their backs were turned to her, as they discussed whatever there was to discuss.  When they had gotten back the night before, all the others had done was ignore her.  When she had asked Brooke what the food was going to be, she only replied, ‘Maybe they’ll bring a shock collar for you to chew on, that’d be nice.’
 The only one that didn’t seem to be to mad, was Jordan, but she seemed a too shy to talk to Dakota.  Dakota felt so alone, down in the basement.  It was bad enough to be kidnapped, but to have fellow captives ignoring her, made it awful.  Sure she didn’t know them, but there was nothing else to pass the time.  Besides maybe pray to God.  But she didn’t really feel like doing that.  After all He was the one that could get her out of there, and she was still there, practically waiting for death’s door to open.  Creak!  The door upstairs opened, and Dakota jumped.  She stood and glanced behind her, to see Red and Creepy.
 Dakota stepped out of the way, and moved to a corner as they came down.  She heard one of them, come from behind her, and shoved a taco into Dakotas hands, “Why do we have to feed you anyway.”  Creepy mumbled under her breath.
 Dakota studied the taco, it looked very appetizing since she hadn’t eaten in the last twenty-four hours.
I don’t think they’re going to poison me?  She decided it was safe, and dived into the taco hungrily.  Dakota heard Red and Creepy leave the room a moment later, as she finished her food.  She searched around frantically for any crumbs that had escaped her taco.  Her search ended fruitless, and in hunger.  I’m going to starve to death here.  She leaned against the wall and studied the room for about the hundredth time.  Everything was the same, and in place.  Eight wood beams still stood, the other kids still huddled in their little corner, and there was still no means of escape.
 She sighed, maybe I could try and guess the names of my captors.  Rumplestiltskin?  Dakota smiled at her guess, then she froze.  She saw something slither along Jordan’s back across the room. She gasped, Rattlesnake.   “Jordan, don’t move.”  Dakota commanded across the room.
  Jordan froze in place, “What is it?” A hint of fear was in her voice.
 “Just don’t move.”  Dakota demanded.
  Dakota’s dad had shown her how to catch a rattlesnake before.  It was pretty easy, you just had to be careful.  Dakota approached the snake slowly as the others eyed her curiously.  In a swift movement, she grabbed the head and held it away from her body.  Everyone gasped when they realized what it was.  “Okay Jordan, you’re fine now.”
 Jordan turned around and looked as if she might faint from the sight of the snake.  “Oh my gosh!  Was that-“  She didn’t finish her sentence.
 The snake hissed and tried turning its head around, but was unsuccessful.  “Do something with it!”  Sarah shouted at Dakota.
 “There’s no where to put it!”
 “In here!”  Ian opened up the drawer of the desk, on the other side of the room.
 Dakota rushed over to him, and shoved the snake in the drawer he held open.  The snake hissed at them before they slammed the drawer on it.  Dakota let out a sigh of relief, and watched Jordan tremble in fear.  Sarah tried comforting her, but Jordan was in too much shock to pay attention to anyone.  Dakota straightened, and glanced at the desk behind her.  She was surprised to find an old book, sitting on the desktop.  “What’s this?”  Dakota asked out loud, as she picked it up.
 Jordan had seemed to calm down a bit, and Brooke answered, “Oh, that’s just a bible.  We don’t know how it got here, but you should have seen Jordan when she found it.  We had all thought she found a way out.”
 Dakota studied the bible, and smiled, I am a little behind.  She sat down next to the desk, and opened it up.  She flipped open to Psalm 13, and began to read.   O LORD, how long will you forget me?  Forever?  How long will you look the other way? Does God forget people?  Dakota thought.  It sure seems like he forgot about me.  She continued to read, How long must I suffer with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart everyday?  How long will my enemy have the upper hand?  Dakota paused, and thought for a second, looking up at the ceiling.  My enemy has the upper hand right now… literally.  Turn and answer me, O LORD my God!  Restore the light to my eyes, or I will die.  Don’t let my enemies gloat saying, “We have defeated him!”  Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.  But I trust in your unfailing love.  I will rejoice because you have rescued me.  I will sing to the LORD because he has been so good to me.
 Dakota knew, from what she had read in the past, that David (the author of Psalms) seemed to have interminable faith.  But in this passage, he seemed to be doubting God, like he thought God couldn’t get him out of his mess.  But then he seemed to have switched sides at the end, saying that God rescued him.  But God had not answered his prayer yet.  “Hello.”
  Startled, Dakota looked up at the face of Jordan.  “Oh, hi.”  Dakota greeted.
 “What are you reading?”  Jordan asked quietly, sitting down next to Dakota.
 “Psalm thirteen.”  Dakota paused, “Brooke said you were really excited when you had found this, are you a Christian?”
 Jordan smiled, “Yeah, I’ve grown up all my life in a Christian home, and received Jesus as my Savior when I was ten years old.”
They sat for a moment waiting for one or the other to speak.  Finally Dakota asked, “Have you talked to any of the others about Christ?”  
 “I’ve talked to Brooke and Sarah, but they think I’m nuts.  They asked that if there’s a loving God, why would He allow them to get kidnapped?”
 Dakota became curious, That’s what I’ve been struggling with.  “What’d you tell them?”
 “I told them, that sometimes God lets non believers go through terrible things to get their attention.”
 “But what about believers?”  Dakota asked.
 Jordan smiled.  I think she knows I asked because I’m doubting. “He sometimes lets us go through hard trials to help us grow in faith.  It’s like in James one two, Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.  Every trial and pain that we go through, is to be considered a joy.”  Jordan explained.  “Also, we could be here to have the opportunity of telling the others the gospel.”
 Dakota thought about it for a moment, that sounds like an explanation my mom would give me.  She stared at Jordan, “How old are you?”
 Dakota’s eyes widened.  “Well you know a lot more about the bible then me.”
 Jordan blushed, “I’m only repeating what others wrote.”
 Jordan is very humble.  Can’t find that in a lot of people today.  “By the way, I don’t know your name.”  Jordan said.
 “Dakota Hunter.”  
 “Well Dakota,” Jordan whispered, “about Ian being a jerk last night.  He’s just trying to protect us, that’s why he gave the box to that guy when he threatened you.  He doesn’t want any of us getting hurt, that’s why we have the rule.”
 “The rule?”  Dakota asked.
 “Everyone sticks together.  We do what the guys say, so we can get home.  We don’t want to, but we have no choice.”
 “Do you really think they’re going to let us go after seeing their faces?”  Dakota asked, the thought that had been bothering her ever since the morning before.
 Jordan thought for a moment, as if she had just realized she had seen their faces.  “I don’t know if they will let us go, but it’s worth the risk.”  Her eyes grew misty, “because I will to do anything to get back to my family.”

Please tell me what you think, thank you!

Saturday, June 28, 2014


I've been creating this video, if you would like to see the video go to,

I hope you enjoy it.

Tied By Fear: Chapter 4

“We want to see the extent of Dakota Hunter’s training, so when she wakes up, you’re going to hold this gun to her, and command her to follow you, we’ll see what her initial reaction is.  If you don’t do this you will be punished.”  A mans voice threatened.
 Dakota’s eyes blinked open, and she saw a teenage girl about her age and a man towering over her handing her a gun.  “Yes sir.”  The girl obeyed, retrieving the gun.  “But what if I get hurt?”
 The man leaned into her and grabbed the collar of her shirt, “Then she will be far more useful to us then you.”
 He let go, and the girl sucked in a shaky breath.  The man left the room, and the girl sat down in a chair.  She had dark red hair, curled into large ringlets, she had expensive wrinkled clothing that obviously had been slept in for days.  She glanced at Dakota, and she closed her eyes.  The girl sighed.  She seemed familiar to Dakota in some way, but she couldn’t place where she had seen the girl before.  Dakota turned over onto her other shoulder, “Are you awake?”  The girl asked from behind her.
 Dakota decided to play along, it seemed that if this girl didn’t do as she was told something horrible would happen to her.  Dakota sat up, and looked at the girl, “Where am I, and who are you?”
 “I cannot give you that information,” the girl stood up, “but I can tell you this, if you don’t do as I say, you will not live to see another day.”
 She pointed the gun at Dakota, “Stand up!”  She commanded.
  Dakota slid out of the bed and stood up at the girls command.  She looked into the girls face, now she recognized who she was.  She was the top news story in America.  Her father was loaded with money, and worked in Washington D.C., she recently had been kidnapped.  Dakota strained to remember her name, she recalled her name was, Sarah King.  Sarah grabbed one of Dakotas arms and bent it behind her back, while she held the gun to Dakota’s side.  The gun dug into her ribs, as she forced Dakota out into the hall.  
  She could hear the deep frightening breath’s of Sarah as they walked down the hall to wherever she was taking her.  “I know you’re Sarah King.”  Dakota whispered.
 Sarah breathed in deeper, “How do you know my name?”  She asked.
“Answer me!”  She forced the gun into Dakota’s side.
 “You’re all over the news.  Everybody is looking for you.”
 Sarah was silent for a moment, then made Dakota halt.  “Do they know where I am?”  She paused, then whispered frantically, “Please fight me, if they don’t get to see how skilled you are, I will be the one punished.”
 Dakota thought for a moment, then took action.  She kicked Sarah in the stomach and she went sprawling back.  Sarah regained control, and ran for Dakota.  Sarah kicked her side, and they went on fighting for five minutes- Dakota mainly defended herself though.  Finally Sarah kicked Dakota’s legs out from under her, and Dakota landed with a crash on the concrete floor.  Sarah pinned her down, and held the gun to Dakota’s head.  “Get up!”  Sarah commanded, once again in her gruff voice.
 Dakota stood up, and Sarah continued to lead her down the hallway.  Dakota whispered to Sarah, “If they were going hurt you, if you didn’t get me to fight you, why would you have not just shot them with the gun you’re holding?”
 Sarah answered simply, “It’s not loaded.”  She paused, “But theirs are.”
 Sarah and Dakota entered a large room with several computers, two men and a woman stood there waiting.  Sarah shut the door behind her, and stood to the side of the door holding the gun, and let go of Dakota.  She waited to see what would happen.  “So, you’re Dakota Hunter?”  The woman asked.
 Dakota didn’t answer, “Well, are you?”
 “Yes.”  Dakota whispered.
 The woman smiled smugly, “I know.”
 She’s creepy.  A man, standing beside Creepy, with red hair, and vibrant green eyes spoke, “We have chosen you to help us in a very special operation.”  Red smiled.
 “What if I don’t help?”  Dakota asked, hesitant.
 He frowned, “Then you will not ever go back to your family, and we will have no need for you.”
 A chill ran down Dakota’s spine.  “What am I helping with?”
 Red turned to the other man with blonde hair, “Take them back down to the basement.”
 The blonde man, who Dakota realized was the man who threatened Sarah, opened the door and shoved them out of the room.  Dakota studied him for a moment, and spotted a gun on his belt, and she could tell by the nasty look on his face that if she tried to run, he would shoot.  He led them down the hall, with a scowl on his face.  Everything she saw reminded her of a crime movie, except for one thing, this was real.
 Blonde brought them to a door at the end of the hall.  He opened it up to some stairs, and took them down, as they descended she noticed Sarah’s hands were shaking.  She is really frightened of this man.  What did he do?  Dakota trudged down the last few steps, and entered into a basement.  She glanced around and found the room was supported by many beams, and had no windows, on one side of the room was an empty desk.  There was a group of four kids, over in a corner huddled close together.  
  When they heard Sarah, Dakota, and Blonde guy, they glanced at them but didn’t say anything.  They just turned back around, after giving cold stares to Blonde.  He shoved Sarah and Dakota further into the room, “Go join your stupid friends, and be ready for tonight, ‘cause we got some business for you.”
 Blonde ascended back up the stairs, and left the room, slamming the door shut coldly.  It reminded her of the times she had slammed her door after an argument with her parents.  Dakota wondered if she would ever see them again.  The kids, huddled in the corner, rushed to Sarah, and hugged her tightly.  Dakota ran silently up the stairs, and inspected the lock.  She heard a girl crying, and telling Sarah they thought they were going to kill her.  
  Dakota jiggled the lock, and found it barely moved.  She crouched down and examined the floor for a paper clip, or bobby pin.  Her search was fruitless, and she ran back down the stairs, and started searching in the desk she had seen.
 One of the teenage girls saw Dakota searching the desk, and approached her, while the others asked Sarah questions.  “If you’re looking for something to pick the lock with, there’s nothing.  We have all searched thoroughly for something, but there’s nothing.”  She admitted.
 Dakota froze in position.  There’s nothing?  No hope for escape, no there has to be another way to escape besides picking the lock.  Something.  Then she remembered a verse she had seen about hope, And so LORD, where do I put my hope?  My only hope is in you.  She took a deep breath in, and asked God to give her hope.  Dakota felt nothing, but knew that He would answer her prayer.  She faced the teenage girl, and asked, “What’s your name?”
 “Brooklynn Mills, but you can call me, Brooke.”  
 “I’m Dakota Hunter.”  She introduced herself.
 Sitting next to Brooke made Dakota feel like a peasant.  Brooke had long brown hair woven into a French braid, and her radiant green eyes shone with anticipation, her clothes were equally as fancy.  Dakota felt ugly with only her frayed jeans and black t-shirt that read, Keep calm and freak out!  “Who are they?”  Dakota asked, gesturing to the kids still pestering Sarah.
 Brooke pointed to the only other girl, who had beautiful dirty blonde hair, “That’s Jordan, her real names Kylee but she prefers her middle name.”  She pointed to a boy with dark black hair and green eyes, “That’s Samuel, and the last one,” she gestured at a tall boy- he was obviously a jock- with scraggly brown hair, “Is Ian, and I’m sure you’ve met Sarah.”
 Dakota nodded.  “So, you were kidnapped too?”
 Brooke nodded, “How’d they get you?”  Dakota asked.
 Brooke sighed, “I was on my way home from school, when I noticed this car from behind me.  I thought it was no big deal at first, but as I continued around, I realized it was taking every single turn I took.  I knew I could be in trouble, so I walked into this restaurant and waited there.  After a few minutes, I looked outside, and didn’t see the car, so I decided it’d be fine if I ran back home as quickly as I could.  I left the building and ran home.  When I was a block away, I felt someone grab me, and cold metal dig into my side.  He said that if I didn’t follow him, he would shoot me.”  Brooke shuddered.
 “I was so scared I could hardly think.  He led me to the car that had been following me, and shoved me in the back, then duct taped my hands and feet.  By then I realized what was happening, and started kicking him with all my might, and calling him a Bull headed freak.  When I called him that, he punched me in the face, and I passed out.  Next thing I know, I’m here with Sarah and Ian.”
 Dakota gave her a questioning look.  “They hadn’t gotten Samuel or Jordan yet.”  She paused, “So, how did they get you?”
Dakota relayed the happenings of that morning to Brooke, then asked what time of day it was.  “We don’t really know.  They only bring us one meal a day, and sometimes they send us out on an operation at night.  But Samuel has calculated that approximately three hours after we wake up, they bring us food.  Then about five hours later we fall asleep.”
 That didn’t answer much.  “What are the operations?”
 Brooke opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of the basement door opening.  Blonde and Red trudged down the stairs together.  The sight of them turned Dakota’s stomach inside out, and made her want to throw up the little food she had eaten for breakfast.  “You’re about to find out.”  Brooke whispered to Dakota, as the twosome reached the bottom.
 “We have some new business for you tonight.”  Red smirked, “Put these on.”
 Red man tossed blue ringlets at each one of them.  Dakota caught hers, and examined it, it seemed to be a collar or something.  Dakota froze, Oh no, not these.  She had seen things like these at the police station her dad worked at.  It was a shock collar.  It was kind of like a shock collar dogs wore, but for humans.  Police sometimes used them when they interrogated a criminal, they had a device that controlled when they’d turn on, and a tracking bug.  “I hate these things.”  Brooke whispered with disgust, then strapped the collar around her neck.
 Dakota hesitantly strapped the collar around her neck, and wondered what they planned to do.  “Tonight, you’re going to take this box to a certain friend of ours.  When we get there you’re going to simply take the box to him, and he’ll hand over his pay.  But don’t give the box to him until he gives you the money.”  Red instructed.
 “What’s in the box?”  Ian asked.
 Red glared at Ian, “That is none of your business, and if you even think about finding out, you know what will happen.”
 Ian gulped, and nodded.  “Come.”  Blonde commanded gruffly, in a canadian accent.
 They followed Blonde and Red out of the basement at a safe distance.  They followed them until they got outside to the black Nissan car that had been in Dakota’s alley.   They all climbed in, and she squeezed in next to Ian and Brooke.  Ian glanced at Dakota, and whispered, “I know you’re new to this.  But if you do anything funny, you’re done.  So don’t run.”  He whispered, harshly.
 Dakota gulped, and asked God to protect her.  She felt as if a protection blanket had slipped over her, and she relaxed.  They entered a dark town, and Dakota studied it, trying to find out where they were, but it was too dark to see anything.  She sat back in her seat, and waited anxiously to get out of the car.  She didn’t care what Ian said- after all she didn’t know him- she was going to run for it.  They stopped a few minutes later in an alleyway behind some buildings.  
  Too many allies.  Dakota thought.  She followed the other teenagers out of the car, and waited in the alley for the person they were supposed to meet.  The Nissan drove away, as a dark figure appeared behind a building.  He approached them with a mysterious strut, and ambition.  He halted in front of Ian (Dakota was right next to him, so she got a front row seat), who held the box under his arm, “Are you the one I’m looking for?”  The man asked.
  The man wore such dark clothing that she couldn’t see a thing on his shadowed face.  He just looked to be a black silhouette, like the one she had seen that morning.  “Is this the box you’re looking for?”  Ian asked.
 The man appeared greedy as he reached for the box, but Ian pulled it away.  “The money.”  He demanded.
 Dakota had to admit, Ian did seem to play the criminal type pretty well.  The man cursed under his breath, and reached into his pockets.  But instead of pulling out money, he brought out a gun.  They all froze, the man pulled Dakota toward him and put a gun to her head.  “All of you back up, and kick me the box.  Or your accomplice dies.”
 Dakota shook, she knew that they were not as loyal to her, as they were frightened of Red and Blonde.  But they backed away, and stood there, staring at Dakota.  “Good.  Now boy, kick me the box.”
 Ian seemed hesitant, and looked as if he might run and hide, but he kicked the box toward her captor.  With one hand, he held Dakota’s arm behind her, and with the other, he picked up the box.  Dakota saw her chance and took it.  She grabbed his elbow, with her other arm, and-with effort- flipped him over her back, in front of her.  Dakota saw her second chance, and ran past the man to her freedom.  “Wait!”  She heard Ian yell.
 But she didn’t wait, she wanted to get out of there, and get to her family.  But before she could get to the streets, an electric shock came from the collar she wore.  She stopped and fell to the ground, grabbing a hold of the collar.  She heard someone cry behind her, and finally understood.  When one person disobeyed, they all got punished.  The pain increased and climbed all the way through her body, then finally began to recline into numbness.  The pain stopped, and Dakota lay on the ground crying from the pain, and the pain she had caused the others.  
  She heard the Nissan drive up, and saw the man she had taken down a minute earlier run by her.  She stood up- with trouble- and walked to the car. Her legs felt like jello, and her head spun in different directions.  She climbed into the back and waited for the others to get inside.  They all seemed to be in pain, and appalled by the sight of Dakota.  They drove back to wherever they were being held captive.

Please tell me what you think, thank you!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tied By Fear: Chapter 3

Dakota’s senses slowly came back to her, as she laid on the cold concrete of a basement.  She heard voices as she awoke, “She’s waking up!”  A females voice exclaimed urgently.
 Dakota felt groggy as she tried to sit up, immediately she felt the blood drain from her face and she became light headed.  “No no,” the woman commanded, “Just lay back down and rest.”  She demanded gently, as she pushed Dakota back down onto the cold floor.  The room began to spin, and she felt herself fall back to sleep.

Please tell me what you think, thank you! I decided what I would title the story, Tied By Fear

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

God's Hope

I have a couple questions for you, if you would please read through this and think about what I'm telling you, I would really appreciate it. Have you sinned??  Have you done anything wrong??  And I don't mean something like stealing, or killing.  I mean even the little things, like deceiving, lying, getting mad at someone.  If you answered, 'I have never done anything wrong' you have just lied.  Everyone has sinned, everyone has done wrong things, and deserve to be punished for it.  It even says that in the bible, Romans 3:23, For all have sinned; all have fallen short of God's glorious standards.  Yes, I am going to be talking about the bible, and God.  The point of the verse, is that everyone has sinned, and if you have sinned even once, then you cannot be in the presence of God.  
   Another verse says, 'But the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.'  Your punishment for sin is death, and spending eternity in hell.  But God didn't just sit around and ignore us while we had no hope.  He sent His only Son, Jesus, down to earth for us, so He could die for our sins.  Jesus was hated down here on earth, even though He was Gods Son, even the people who claimed to follow God plotted against Him.  The men who hated Him, arrested Him for blaspheme.  But He never did anything wrong, not one thing.  He was perfect, He even healed the blind, and lame men, and turned water into wine.  But they arrested Him anyways.  
   He was beaten and mocked, and spit on, before they led Him to the cross to die.  They hung Him on the cross, and let Him die even though He had done nothing wrong.  They nailed His hands into the cross, and His feet.  But none of this was done without a purpose, He did this for our sins, so we would not have to suffer, He took our place.  Everyone of us should have died on the cross, and burned eternally  but He took our place and died.  John 3:16 says, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.'  
   But that is not the end of the story, three days after Jesus died, He rose again.  He gave us hope, and rose from the dead.  That is actually the original reason we celebrate Easter, because it's a day of hope that Jesus rose again after suffering a torturous death for us.  If you except Jesus as your Savior He will except you no matter what you did in your past.  He loves you, and wants you to come to Him, He created you and wants you to be with Him forever.  If you except Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, then pray to God and admit you've done bad things.  Tell Him your sorry for all the bad things you've done and that you want Him to accept you.  If you have any questions about what I just told you about, you can find a bible teaching church near you.  Jesus loves you!!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tied By Fear: Chapter 2

“Dakota Hunter!”  Dakota’s mom yelled.
 Dakota was in her room upstairs, writing down some of her favorite verses before she left for school.  “Yeah?!”  She yelled down to her mom, continuing her work.
 “Come here!”  Her mom demanded.
 Dakota sighed, “Just a second mom! I’m writing something.”
  She went back to writing down her verses on an index card.  Though I walk through through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me- “Dakota Hunter!  Now!”  Her mom yelled in a very strict voice.
 She sighed, and dropped her pencil onto the desk, where more garbage sat.  She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, then galloped down the stairs.  At the bottom, she swung around the railing coming into the living room and continuing to the kitchen.  There was a sweet aroma of cinnamon, in the dirtied kitchen  and the sound of clattering pots and pans.  Dakota looked, and found her mom bent over looking in a cabinet, her moms black hair was in a ponytail and falling out.  “Mom, what’d you want?”  She asked annoyed, while glancing into the oven.
 Dakota smiled, Mmm, cinnamon rolls.  Cinnamon rolls were her favorite dessert, and her mom made best cinnamon rolls in the town, no make that state.  Her mom stood up and glanced at Dakota, immediately she shut the oven door and changed her attitude.  “What’d you want?”  She asked again, much more pleasant this time.
 “I need you to take the garbage out.”  Her mom instructed.
 That is it?!  Dakota was about to voice her thoughts when her mom brought out a bowl of cream cheese frosting from the refrigerator, reminding her of the cinnamon rolls baking beside her.  “Okay.”
 Before Dakota could turn around and leave, her mom grabbed her fiercely and gave her a hug.  Dakota’s breath caught in her throat, “Mom, I… can’t breath!”  She gasped out.
 Her mom let her go, “Sorry.”
 Dakota studied her moms sterling grey eyes, they seemed gloomy, “Mom, I’m just taking the garbage out.”  She reminded her.
 Her moms eyes grew misty, “I know.”
She gave another bear like hug to her, then let go and went back to making cinnamon rolls.  Strange.  She turned and maneuvered around the dog sleeping on the living room floor, to the front door.   Dakota opened the door and stepped outside.  She stopped and breathed in the fresh damp air, she heard the creaking sound of old boards under her feet.  It was foggy and calm, and she heard the sound of dogs barking ferociously.  She stepped off the rotting porch, and slowly progressed to the garbage can in front of the house.
 As she rolled the garbage can down to the sidewalk, she attempted to remind herself of her favorite verse, And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.  She let go of the garbage can, letting it crash to the pavement.  She turned back around and headed for the porch.  Placing her foot on the porch steps, she looked to her left and saw the silhouette of a man down an alley beside her house.  Out of curiosity, Dakota advanced toward the dark alley, and studied the silhouette.  The man looked to be as tall as Dakota, five feet and eleven inches.  
  She continued closer to the man, she could see now he was wearing all black.  Turn back around now, Dakota.  NOW!  Despite her commanding thoughts, she continued, Dakota felt for her pocketknife in case of emergency, Yep, still here. Dakota suddenly heard barking from behind her, she jumped in fright, and turned around.  It was her neighbors Yorkshire terrier, Hershey.  Dakota gave an exasperated breath, and turned back around.  The man was gone.  
  Dakota became even more curious, he had just disappeared without a sound.  She continued forward to where the man had been, and cautiously glanced around for him.  She stared forward, and looked at a black Nissan, with two men on each side of it.  Dakota spun around and ran back toward the house, this cannot be good.  In an instant, she felt someone wrap their arm around her waist, and put another hand over her mouth.

 She immediately thought of her dads training, she squatted down and elbowed the man in the stomach with all her strength.  The man let his hold go and collapsed to the ground, Dakota started for the house.  She ran up the porch, and inside.   She locked the door, “Mom!!  Where are you?!”  She yelled.  
 No answer, Dakota ran up the stairs and into her room.  She heard the sound of a window breaking, down in the living room.  Dakota snatched up her phone, and flipped it open, she expected the screen to light up but nothing happened.  Great.  She thought.  Dakota threw the phone on her bed.  She ran to the bathroom, and searched for her flat iron.  She found the it and stood up, ready to strike if she had to.  She heard the stomping of men bolting up the stairs.  
  Her mind went blank when she saw a flash of black in the hall.  Dakota closed her eyes, and asked for serene peace from Jesus.  Immediately, she thought of the verse she had been writing earlier, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.  Dakota sighed, but before she could do anything else, someone covered a soaked cloth over her nose and mouth.  She gasped in shock, and everything slowly began, then turned black.


Monday, June 23, 2014

The L

My friend and I have been e-mailing recently, and one day she sent me an e-mail saying something.  But what I found odd, was the mysterious L that appeared on the e-mail at the end.  It was there for no reason, and I e-mailed her back asking, "Why's the L there?"
   She e-mailed, "What L?"
   We went back and forth, and I explained how there was an L at the end of her e-mail, she looked back and said she didn't see any L.  So I checked to make sure I wasn't delusional, and found the L still there.  I e-mailed her back, and she insisted there was no L, so we decided that the L just appeared on my screen for something.
   But the L is so stink'in freaky!!!  It just one day appeared out of nowhere and only I can see it.  CREEPY!!

The L, no one but the victim can see it, no one can hear it.  It comes when your least expecting it, watch out, all those who have been marked by the L.  He he he he!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tied By Fear

I have been working on this story on and off, for the past six months, and have just finished. I will be putting it on here every other day, and I hop you enjoy it. Please comment below, and tell me what you think. Please criticize my work if needed, I love to take my flaws and practice to perfection, and would love to hear your opinions. Also, could you suggest some titles?? I am not very good at coming up with them, and right now I'm just calling it, Dakota, but would love to change. Thank you, I hope you enjoy this. :)
Maddox walked into the room, and gazed at his sister, “Have you located anyone?”  Maddox asked his sister Jill, who was hard at work on the computer.
 “No, I have a few that might work, but none of them are great.”  Jill answered Maddox.
 “Jill Tanner, you know how urgent this is.  We need someone now!”
Jill flipped her short cropped red hair around, and glared at her younger brother with angry hazel eyes, “Well Maddox,” his name hissed off her tongue, like a snakes, “I don’t see you making any progress either, and yes, of course I know how urgent this is.”
 She turned back to her work on the desk, “Fine, I’ll just leave-“
Mid sentence, Maddox was interrupted by another voice, “I found someone who might work, Tanner.”
 The siblings both turned around and stared at Joseph Snake, “Which one?!” They asked strictly, in unison.
 Joseph cleared his throat, “Um, Mr. Tanner.”
 Jill grunted, and turned back around to the desktop as Maddox left to another room.  He made long clumsy strides following Joseph.  He turned right into a large room, full of computers, and many other associates working at each one.  Joseph led Maddox to one, with the picture of a girls smiling face.  She had brown hair, and green eyes, and side bangs covered the left side of her forehead.  “This is Miss Hunter, she is going to Sweet Home high school in Oregon.  She is trained in self- defense, and very skilled with weapons.”
 Maddox became curious, “Does she carry weapons around?”
 “No,” Joseph answered with his Canadian accent, “but she does sometime have her pocketknife with her.”
 “Well, she just might have to start.”  Maddox commented.
 Joseph continued, “Her mother has also said her daughter is very good at picking locks.”
 Maddox smiled, and pondered over the information for a moment, “Yes, we will need her.  What is her name?”
 “Dakota Hunter.”


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Garden of Eden story

10,000 to 6,000 years ago, this world was created by God with one thought.  He created man, women, animals, nature, earth, and light, all with one thought.  He named the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve.  They lived in a garden, and God had one rule for these two, to not eat from the tree in the center of the garden, or they would die.  One day Eve was walking around the garden, and found the Tree of Life, which was the tree in the center of the garden.  She started to walk past it, and then heard a voice.  She looked around back at the tree, and found a snake slithering in a smooth slow fashion down the trunk of the tree.  She stared at the peculiar snake.  It looked up at her, and stared back, suddenly it spoke in a demonic way, he hissed with every word as it rolled an evil way off his tongue, "Hello, Eve."  He greeted slowly.
   "You speak?"  Eve asked, not frightened, just curious.
   "Yes, you're God gave me the ability to speak."
   Eve studied the snake for a moment, until it continued, "Why don't you have one of these delicious fruits on this tree?"  
   "Well God has told my husband, Adam, and I that we should not eat of this fruit."  She replied.
   The snake chuckled in a evil hissing way, "Don't you see?  Your God does not want you to eat of this tree, because He knows you will become like Him."  He paused, and smiled in the best way a snake could, "God does not want you to eat of this fruit, because He knows your eyes will be opened, and you shall be like gods.  You will know all good and evil."  It smiled in it's peculiar way again, deep into her soul.
   Eve thought about it for a moment, and gazed at the tempting beautiful fruit, and found they gleamed in the sun, and the colors shone off vibrant colors.  She thought, Surely fruit this delicious looking could not make me die.  She tilted her head, making up her mind.  Will one little taste surely kill me?  She snatched up one of the fruits, and took one delicious taste of the fruit.  She chewed the little bit and it slid down her throat, leaving a savory taste in her mouth, she relished the enticing flavor.  Without another thought she tore into the enticing fruit, and relished the sweet flavors, as she heard the snake hiss at her, "Good, isn't it delicious?  Keep eating, it will make you more knowledgeable." 
   After her appetizing snack was gone, she stared at the snake, and sighed.  She then heard the sound of footsteps approaching her, and turned around.  Her husband, Adam, came into view behind the bushes.  He smiled, and she returned the smile.  She gestured toward the tree, "Adam, have one of the fruits."  She suggested.  
A worried expression crossed over her husbands face, "Eve, did you eat a fruit from the forbidden Tree of Life?"
   Eve nodded, "But I didn't die, as He said we would.  It is the most delicious tasting fruit I have ever tasted, and it gives you the knowledge of a god."
   Adam and Eve fought for a moment, but she convinced him to taste the gratifying fruit.  In one moment he had it gulped down his throat also, and he smiled. But then he frowned, and so did Eve.  Because they just remembered what they did, and became ashamed.  Without even speaking to one another, they ran through the garden, and hid from the sight of God, who they knew would becoming soon.  After hiding behind a bush, they listened for the slightest bit of noise.  After a while of waiting, they heard the footsteps of a man.  They shrunk behind the bush, and feared of confronting Him.  It was silent for a moment, then a kind and wise voice spoke, "Eve, Adam, my children, where have you gone?"
   Adam stood up slowly, Eve followed.  They stared at Him with fear.  "What is wrong my children?"  He asked with concern.
   Adam spoke, since Eve stayed silent.  "God, we ate from the Tree of Life."  He told Him, ashamed.
   A look of recognition and grief crossed over His face, and He spoke with immense sorrow, "Why did you do this, children?"
   "The woman, the one you gave to me, made me do it."  He told Him, in his defense.
   His eyes shifted toward, Eve, "Eve, why did you do this?"  
   Eve looked down at the ground, and spoke, "It was the serpent my God, he tricked me into eating the fruit."
   God thought for a moment, He had known this would come, but He had had no idea it would be this hard.  "Children, for your disobedience, comes consequence."
   Adam and Eve stared at Him, in sadness, and regret.  He continued, "You must be cast out of this garden."  He faced Adam in pain, "Adam, you must work on ground that I have cursed, and you will eat from it.  Thorns will possess the ground, and you will have much work."  He turned to Eve, "Eve, I will multiply the pains of childbirth for you, and your daughters.  I will also multiply your sorrows."
   So, he cast them out of the garden because of their sins, and set an angel with two swords in front of the garden to guard it.  But He did not completely shun them, He still was there for them, and their children, and children's children.  

I hope you enjoyed that.  Maybe I will post more stories soon.  :)
If you want to check out this story in the bible, it is in Genesis 3:1-24