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Friday, September 5, 2014

Twelve Dawns Rise

I'm writing a story called, Twelve Dawns Rise, and there's one part in the story, where there's an article about Elementals.  So here is the article, to give a sneak peek, hope you enjoy!

In 1634, a recluse by the name of, Thomas A. Randing, claimed he visited a land full of people called, Elementals.  This lie created an uproar in, Bristol, England, and while many said he was absolutely ludicrous to believe there was an unknown land, some agreed with him, and took his side.  They all said that they had visited this land, and had met the people.  They explained that the Elementals were separated into seven clans, and each clan could manipulate a different element.
  There was an Icicle Clan, they said they had the ability to create snow, and could ice over water.  They could create swords, and arrows, and sheilds out of ice, and had many other abilities.  The Root Clan could explode rocks, and bend roots and branches to become whips.  They could makes plants die, and make them grow, and the people who believed in The Elementals, claimed, they were known for being destructive, but kind and noble.  
  The Shock Clan had the ability to shoot lightening from there fingers, and create thunder.  They had electrical claws, and when they were angry, their body sparked with electricity.  There was the Mist Clan, which could create waterfalls out of thin air, and control water.  They could also breath underwater, and drown you from fifty yards away.  Then there were the Clouds, the mob claimed they could control the wind and breezes, and suck the air out of your lungs.  
  The Shadow Clan could turn into shadows, and rip your shadow away you.  All the Shadows also had the element of their parents.  Last was the Flame Clan, in the mob’s fib, they had the ability to create fireballs, and a wall of flames.  They could control fire, and they were known to be the most quick tempered of the clans, and there hands literally burned from anger often.  
  The mob claimed, you could tell which clan an Elemental belonged to, by their eyes, and the mark imprinted on their necks.  Each clan had a symbol on their necks of their element- excpet for, the Shadows, which had no imprint at all.  And each clan had their own set of eyes.  The Icicles eyes were very light blue, and had the form of icicles in them.  The Flames had red eyes, and they had the look of fire burning in their eyes.  
  The Shadows had pure black eyes, and the Roots were green, with brown, rimmed around the circle of their pupil.  The other clans had a similar look- their element showing in their eyes, and a color representing that element.  The mob explained that all the families were separated into the different clans.  Two people, from the same clan, would marry, and usually have two to three children- but the children usually had different elements.  
  From the moment the child is born, it is taken into the care of distant family, or close friends, that come from the babies clan.  They also said, some of the Elementals worshiped a God, which they called, Almighty.  They said, that Almighty had created the Elemental Island, and our world- which the Elementals call the Blind World.  
  The mob obviously were either delusional, or were having a fun joke, but either way, the mob ended with their heads chopped off.  But their story is still circulating around, many people still claim that there is an island, full of people with these strange giftings.  

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