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Saturday, September 13, 2014

National Monument

That is so cool!!!!
In the video the man whose telling him about this statue, says, "Hardly anyone in America knows about this."  Well the 3 Girlz would like to change that.  Share this video, and post, and get the word out, about the formula the Pilgrims left behind for us.
   The Pilgrims came over from England in 1620, to escape the king, and so they could have the freedom to believe what they wanted to believe.  And they wanted to believe in Jesus Christ.  They endured hardships, and long winters, so they could survive, and start this new country.  Now North America is crumbling before our eyes, Christians are no longer accepted, and they are starting to become outcasts.  Sometimes I think that the Pilgrims effort to have freedom, was in vain.  Because now we do not have it.
   But if we make this our foundation in each of our homes, America will follow some day... maybe not the White House.  The White House is just a lost cause.  Share this video, and make sure that we can get EVERYONE in America  to know about this National Monument.

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