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Friday, March 14, 2014

Importance of studying theology and literature

This was Emma and Audreys assignments this week for CC, and we thought we'd share it with you.  HOPE U ENJOY!!!

Emma Jayne:

The Importance of Literature

During the Middle Ages, the people were so focused on surviving, they didn’t have time to study, and educate themselves.  The lost there love of literature and other important disciplines.  Literature is important for a society to study.  It allows a culture and individual to think progressively, it also expands creativity and provides a way to speak your mind.  The study of literature gives you a sense of belonging and creativity and wills you to speak your opinion. 
   The study of literature helps you to think more progressively.  It helps us to understand certain things better.  Such as intriguing and extolled books like, Pilgrims Progress, we now understand the bible more specifically.  It helps make the bible clearer and adds on to your knowledge of the bible.  Reading provides knowledge of the past, and helps inspire you with your own creativity.  Literature helps an individual to think more progressively and gain more knowledge.
   Literature helps you to be able to speak your mind.  A lot of people have an opinion, but don’t know how to share it, and writing is a great way to speak your mind.  Harriet Beecher Stowe was an author in the eighteen hundreds.  She spoke her opinion of slavery through literature.  Her books changed the way many people thought of slavery.  Writing helps a culture and individual to speak their opinion, even if it’s just a letter to a friend.  Literature gets an individual to think, write, and inspire change.
    Studying other works of literature helps expand creativity.  Reading helps inspire your own works of writing, and expands your own sense of creativity.  Such as some renowned authors read the bible and were inspired with allegorical tales.  The proficient, C.S. Lewis found inspiration from the bible, and wrote the magnificent relishing story of Narnia.  Literature can expand your creativity in reading and writing, and helps to expand your mind to new ideas. 
    Studying literature gives a sense of creativity in a culture.  Literature helps you to think progressively, and expand creativity.  Literature also gives a way to speak your opinion.  It provides your own little world to do whatever you want in, and helps you to flee into a new world.  Literature brings many people serene joy and a sense of confidence and belonging.  

Murray 1
Audrey Murray
During the Middle Ages the Roman Empire came crashing down after a great famine devastated the lands.  Because of this, these times were called the “Dark Ages”.  People were not able to study some of the most important subjects because they were so focused on surviving.  The assignment was to pick out one subject that would be the most needed to study.  Originally, Man was created to worship something, the result of not knowing the value of life leads to confusion, therefore theology is foremost  important to study.  
Belief leads to worship.  For an example my family and I are studying astronomy.  I am bewildered and awed when I see the impeccable beauty of the Lord.   Although, when reprehensible humans don’t study theology you don’t know what to worship… that is when Hinduism, Islam, Mormonism and such are created.  Amazingly, Christs’ extolled creation is intriguing!  
Without knowledge of theology one cannot know the purpose of life.  Therefore 1.06 million abortions are performed in one year.  What’s the purpose of life if you don’t believe that you were created by Him?  Evolution teaches that people are accidents.  Humans become depressed and melancholy after hearing that.  This is what happens when a society doesn’t study theology.
When people analyze theology they notice there is a purpose to life. God created everything! After people hear this they are filled with joy! It makes me feel special and alive!  I want to serve Him more, by loving and honoring others.  I know the value of life because I believed!
Theology is most important to study.  Belief leads to devout worship and understanding of  the value of life.  The most significant thing about believing is… People see the need of  worship, knowing the purpose of life and many other things.  However without belief people do not know the bestowed gift of life and the glory of God.  Theology is most important to study.  

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