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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Leahs conversation

I have a little sister, Leah, she's the youngest in our family  She's four years old and says the weirdest things.  Here are a 10 of my favorite conversations (Listed least to favorite) with Leah over the 4 years of her life,

10. (Leahs drawing with a green and blue crayon)
Mom:  Leah, what are you drawing?
Leah:  (Sounds german)  Doogley dogo green rainbow!!  (Keeps on drawing)

9.  Sarah:  I'm going to live at the beach when I grow up
Leah:  (Yelling) Yeah, and I'm going to be in your family, like your baby
Leah:  Cause where we excercise is the beach

8.   Leah:  Tonight, I'm gonna get a fishy
Mom:  Oh really?  Where are you going to get it?
Leah:  (Like duh)  From the store!
Mom:  Oh, whose going to take you?
Leah:  Uh, dad
Mom:  But I thought daddy was going to Israel tonight?
Leah:  I know, he can take me the next day!

7.  Mom:  When we go to heaven, Jesus is going to give us new bodies.  Thank God!!!
Leah:  But I like my body!!

6.  Leah:  Mom, after pizza, are we gonna have... ice cream
Mom:  No, we don't have any ice cream
Leah:  (Sassy)  Well mom, we have birthday cake ice cream!
Mom:  Well, we do have birthday cake ice cream, but theres hardly any
Leah:  (Very sassy) Well, but mom, I'm little, so I can get it all!

5.  Leah:  Mom, this is what people do with this!  (Pulls out plastic knife)  (Acts like cutting food)  (Puts plastic knife in pocket)
Mom:  Oh really?  And then they put it in their pockets and stab themselves with it?
Leah:  (Like duh voice) No, that's for the bad guys!  (Acts like stabbing someone)
Mom:  Really? (laughs)

4. Mom: Are you going to bring your bathing suit to the the beach to swim in the ocean?
Leah:  NO!!!  (Hands out)  There are sharks in the ocean!!  I don't like sharks!!
Sarah:  (Whispers to Leah)  For the hot tub!
Leah:  (Look angry, leaning closer and closer to mom)  (Getting louder and louder) I bring my bathing suit for the HOT TUB!!!

3.  Leah:  (Walks to mom)  There was something in my ear.
Mom: Oh, really?
Leah:  Yeah... it was lava
(Mom and others laugh)
(Leah ran off)
Emma: (Emma catches her) Was there lava in your ear?
Leah:  Yeah
Mom:  (Laughing) Do you know what lava is?!
Leah:  No
Mom:  Its rock on fire
Leah:  (Nods)  Yeah
Riah:  Was that what was in your ear?
Leah:  (Nods)  Yep
Riah:  (Laughing)  Was it on fire?
Leah:  Yeah
Emma:  Did it hurt?
Leah:  No... its on the bathroom floor
Mom:  Can you pick it up?
Leah:  No, I lost it

2.  (At Costco)  (Everyones talking)  Leah:  SHHH!!!  I'm praying!!
(Everyone smiles and is quiet)  Leah:  And please have me have uh good birthday after Emmas... And I don't know what to pray... but
(Everyone starts silently talking)  Leah:  SHHH!!!  I'm praying!!  And please have me get that cake for my birthday... and I... (Sees a towel with a duck head on it) And please help me get that for christmas... and... and AMEN!!

1.  Emma:  Leah, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Leah:  An alligator
Emma:  (Looks at Leah oddly) Why do you want to be an alligator?
Leah:  BARRRR!!!
Emma:  Roar??
Leah:  No, BARRRR!!!
Emma:  Bar?
Leah:  (Smiles nicely)  Yes!  Alligator is a bar
Emma:  So... you want people to eat you?
Leah:  Yeah!
Emma:  Why?
Leah:  Cause I want to see their tummies!
Emma:  (Laughs)  Why do you want to see their tummies?
Leah:  In their tummy tummies!

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