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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Never chit chat with news

Sorry there has not been any never chit chat with videos on for a... long long time.  We have been having issues with the camera we were using.  I (Emma) got a new video camera for christmas, and we didn't have the parts to download them, but we just got the right parts.  So, by Sunday there will be more Never chit chat with videos, if everything goes right.  Can't wait to show you guys the videos.  Also, the next few you will be watching will be with just Audrey, but the ones after that will be with our friend Hana Slayden!!  We will still call the blog 3Girlz4God, because 4Girlz4God just sounds weird.  But I hope you will enjoy the videos with her in it.  She was the one who originally came up with the idea of Never chit chat with, along with Audrey.  So, just 4 more days and then they'll be on!!!!  YEAH!!  Can't wait!!

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