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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Never chit chat with news

Sorry there has not been any never chit chat with videos on for a... long long time.  We have been having issues with the camera we were using.  I (Emma) got a new video camera for christmas, and we didn't have the parts to download them, but we just got the right parts.  So, by Sunday there will be more Never chit chat with videos, if everything goes right.  Can't wait to show you guys the videos.  Also, the next few you will be watching will be with just Audrey, but the ones after that will be with our friend Hana Slayden!!  We will still call the blog 3Girlz4God, because 4Girlz4God just sounds weird.  But I hope you will enjoy the videos with her in it.  She was the one who originally came up with the idea of Never chit chat with, along with Audrey.  So, just 4 more days and then they'll be on!!!!  YEAH!!  Can't wait!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lindsey Stirling

I have been listening to these songs for a while, and I absolutely LOVE THEM!!  There so much fun to watch, she has her own channel on youtube.  This is the first one I saw, I hope you enjoy! :)  And BTW I (Emma) would totally wear the outfit she wore during the fire one  :)
Which one would you wear??

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Very Valuable Life Lesson

Last night, I (Emma) was bowling with my friends and sisters, when I learned a very valuable that tested my patience, and mercy.  NEVER EAT TATER-TOTS WHEN THEIR HOT!!!!!  When I saw that my mom had ordered tater-tots, I was anxious to shove them in my mouth.  I rushed over, and shoved one of them in my mouth.  Immediately my mouth started burning, I covered my mouth, and looked at my mom. She laughed, "Yeah, she said their still pretty hot."
  "They're hot!!"  I said while trying to chew the burning tater-tot.
   So, the reason I learned patience, was well... I probably should have waited for those tater-tots to cool down.  Mercy... when I realized how hot they were, I really wanted to smash those stupid things!!!  But of course I couldn't do that cause I wouldn't have been able to eat them.  So, my advice to you... DON'T EAT HOT TATER-TOTS!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Song of Songs 2:7
Daughter of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken until it so desires.

Feelings of love can create emotions that overpower reason.  Young people are too often in a hurry to develop an intimate relationship based on their strong feelings.  But feelings aren't enough to support a lasting relationship.  This verse on the top encourages us not to force romance unless the feelings of love grow faster then the commitment needed to make love last.  Patiently wait for feelings of love and commitment to develop in God's timing.  Teenagers ruin the beauty of their purity, and innocence when they let romance consume them.  God has given us our purity, and the world says it is ours to just throw away.  But God does not say so.  1Timothy 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.
The Girlz have made a commitment to spare our purity, and stay away from consuming romance while we are still young, and immature.  If you are making that commitment also as a teenager, then share this on facebook, twitter, or some other social network you're on.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bloody Moon

Ever heard of the Bloody moon. It has only happened, 3 times in history, and every time, something big has happened with the jewish region!  Well guess what!  It is going to appear, 4 times in the next two years!!  I'm putting the dates on here, so you can watch out for them...

Bloody Moon dates-
April 15th 2014
October 8th 2014
April 4th 2015
September 28 2014
There's more about on Audrey's blog, Miss Audrey, at...