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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy thanksgiving!!

Happy thanksgiving!!  A year ago I wrote a speech about the first thanksgiving.  Here it is,
The First Thanksgiving
In 1603, there was a King in England which made a law that everyone had to be a catholic or they would be killed, the Puritans did not want to be a catholic so they moved to Holland, they were happy, but poor.  So in 1620 they set out on, the Mayflower toward America.   The Mayflower was 180 gross tons, 25 ft. in width, and 80 ft. in length. It had three main decks, upper deck, lower deck, and cargo deck.  In the upper deck there were the cooking facilities, the crews sleeping quarters, and the steering room.  The lower deck was where the passengers stayed in, and the cargo deck had the main supplies needed to survive.    The height of the decks was 5.5 ft.   There were 102 passengers, and 26 crew members, Fifty-one men, twenty-one boys, twenty women, and ten girls. The average age the passengers were 32, the oldest was 64, and 1 baby was born on the boat, his name was, Oceanus.   
 It was very unusual for the mayflower to carry passengers because it was made to carry supplies.    They were originally headed for the Hudson River, but they were blown off course.  It took 66 days for the 2,750 mile journey to reach Plymouth Rock.  They spent their first winter on board the ship while they built their homes.  Out of, 102 passengers, only 53 survived and half the crew. 
Once the weather improved, they built their houses.  The Indians came to help them prepare for the next winter.  At the end of the harvest, there was enough food for the whole winter. The pilgrims decided to have a feast with the Indians to thank them.  That was the first Thanksgiving.  What they had back then to eat was not what we have today, for instance they did not have, Turkey, Pumpkin pie, or Mashed potatoes,they did have cranberries, but they were plain.  They did have, goose, eel, duck, deer, eagles, beans, lettuce, plums, grapes, and, of course their crops.   
  In 1777 the congress declared that all 13 colonies celebrate a day of thanks for winning over the British. Sarah Hale was the author of Mary had a little lamb and believed America needed an annual holiday to give thanks.  She sent letters to the presidents asking them about this.  In 1863 Abraham Lincoln declared that Sarah Hale was right and they needed a national annual holiday to give thanks, he decided the last Thursday of November be, Thanksgiving Day.  But in 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving up a week.  People did not like this change.  Franklin D. Roosevelt settled the date with the Congress and moved it to the 4th Thursday of November.

Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you all!!!


Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Whenever you think about thanksgiving you may think of turkey, the pilgrims, or to be thankful to God.  Turkey and food is yummy (trust me, its hard for me to remember that Thanksgiving is about being thankful, not the food), but its about being thankful to God for what he's given us.  Now I've asked myself this question so many times, 'if we celebrate Thanksgiving because the pilgrims were thankful to the Indians for helping them survive the winter, than why is it about being thankful to God?'
One, we should be thankful to God any day, in fact I'd say its harder to remember to be thankful to God on Thanksgiving.
Two, the pilgrims were thankful to God, people just don't highlight that part of the story, but they were also thankful to the Indians for helping them.
Three, I think God put the Indians (or native Americans) in America so that we could celebrate Thanksgiving, and remember him in the future.  I think he wanted, and had already planned for thanksgiving to come from the beginning of time.
Four, Thanksgiving shows us how much we have and how much others don't, you should help those people.  God blessed you with things, so thank him for it.
Happy thanksgiving!!!!

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful.
Colossians 3:15

And when ye will offer a sacrifice of Thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer it at your own will.
Leviticus 22:29

Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
2 Samuel 22:50

Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people.
2 Chronicles 16:8

Thankful 4...?

What are you most thankful for, out of everything (besides Jesus)?  The Girlz are going to answer that question for themselves today, on Thanksgiving.  A time to be thankful to God.

I'm thankful for memories.  When I asked myself this question I thought of family and friends.  But since I couldn't do that I thought of memories.  Memories can be with anyone friends, family, even acquaintances.  There are painful memories and good memories.  Good memories are like, "Duh" of course you like them.  You remember them all your lives.  But painful memories, I'm still thankful for them, cause God gave us painful times to teach us about Him or to test us.  Painful memories are teaching experiences, grasp them, and let God teach you.  James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face many kinds of trials.  That is the number one thing I'm thankful for.

I am thankful for... lots of stuff!  I am most thankful for my family.  They are the most wonderful people!  I love them so so so so so so so so so so much!

I am thankful 4 the BIBLE,because if we did not have Gods word we would not know how to live or defend ourselves spiritually.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Never cook with

This is Never cook with a special edition of Never chit chat with we will be doing these episodes occasionally.  :)

Audry Murrey- played by Audrey Murray
Host- played by Moriah Jayne
Camera girl- Emma Jayne
Audience- Ruby Murray, and Sarah Jayne
Comment below and please give us suggestions on different food options

Starbucks isn't going to like this.  :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Never cook with

This is Never cook with a special edition of Never chit chat with we will be doing these episodes occasionally.  :)

Celina Patrine- played by Audrey Murray
Host- played by Moriah Jayne
Camera girl- Emma Jayne
Audience- Ruby Murray, Sarah Jayne, Tanner Murray, Julia Murray, Brooke Jayne, and Mileah Jayne

Comment below and please give us suggestions on different food options
She didn't eat it!!!  :)
Sorry about the annoying music in the background :)