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Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Completed

Wow!  2015 is already over!  I know that at least for me- Emma- it went by real quick.  But down to business!  On the first of the year, the 3 Girlz made a resolution list, and now we’re back to let you know if we completed our resolutions or not.  So, here you go:  

1.  Read the bible everyday- Uncompleted.  I’ll let you know that I failed at this the first day of the year, because my little sister was in the hospital, so I was at someone else’s house.  
2.  Finish the second draft of Twelve Dawns Rise by the end of the year- Completed.  I completed the second draft, but NO ONE is seeing it!  No one is allowed to touch it!
3.  Read 75 books- Uncompleted.  This year I really slacked on reading books, which I don’t really consider a bad thing, because I got to spend more time writing.  But I did only read 45 books.
4.  Watch Lord of the Rings- Completed.  I got to watch all of the Lord of the Ring movies, finally!  I had a marathon for my birthday with my friend.
5.  Read ten books of the bible- Completed.  I read Proverbs, Romans, Phillipians, Colossians, Hebrews, Jude, Acts, Philemon, 2 Corinthians, and Judges.

1.  Read ten books of the bible- Uncompleted
2.  Finish all of my biology reports for CC- Completed
3.  Start book 4A in piano by the end of the year- Completed
4.  Read the bible everyday- Completed
5.  Read all books required for CC- Completed

1.  Read the bible everyday and do my Devo- Uncompleted.
2.  Paint 3 paintings by my Birthday- Completed.
3.  Master my multiplication tables- Uncompleted.
4.  Read the 39 Clues series- Uncompleted.
5.  Read two books of the bible- Uncompleted.

1.  Write 70 posts- Uncompleted.   As you know, we haven’t been posting on here lately, so obviously we did not make the goal of 70 posts- not even close.
2.  Put five Never Chit Chat With's on- Completed.  We posted our Never Chit Chat With marathon a couple months ago, that had all five of the Never Chit Chat With.
3.  Put a video of Birches Canyon on- Uncompleted.  There is a good reason for this being uncompleted!  We were going out to Birches Canyon to take the video, when the little girls started chasing after us.  So, we went up and climbed a tree.  In order to climb, I put my camera in my pocket, then we climbed up.  We stayed up for a couple of minutes, then we climbed back down, and… my camera fell out of my pocket.  It broke, and we don’t have another one, so… that’s that.
4.  Not start late on our Christmas advent- Uncompleted.  
5.  Each of us write three posts- Uncompleted.  

  Now, we have an announcement.  As you know, we haven’t been posting a whole lot this year, and we’ve talked about that.  We have decided we’re going to quit with 3Girlz4God.  We might start up with the blog again later, but for now, all three of us have our own blogs we’re each managing (Miss Augd, The Author's Plot, Mighty Masterpiece).  So, as 2015 comes to an end, the 3 Girlz say good-bye, and a happy new year to you all!