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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Do Something

Last night I was reading Haggai one, and found some things very interesting that I would like to share.  First of all, I want to point out that now Gods temple is the church, and the church is not just the building that you go to every Sunday.  The church is a body of believers, and that body of believers can be every single person who is a believer in the whole world.  In Haggai one, the prophet, Haggai, is sending a message to, Zerubbabel.  Zerubbabal is the son of Shealtiel, governor of Israel.  The LORD is commanding Zerubbabel and the Israeilites to rebuild His temple.  
  In Haggai one four is says, “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?”
  If the church is God’s temple, and all believers are part of the church, then shouldn’t we be doing something for others in third world countries??  I am not specifically meaning you, but seriously people!  People in America are sitting in their three story houses, on a couch eating there cheese puffs watching football, while complaining that you don’t have any ice cream!  While there are kids in Africa or Haiti who are scavaging for food on the road hoping to find food, and they’re happy as anyone could be!  
  We are here complaining about a few itchy bites from mosquitoes, while there are kids in third world country who are scared to go to sleep because of mosquitoes who might give them malaria!  I don’t really know what malaria is, but I know its bad.  In Haggai one six says, “You have planted much, but harvested little.  You have food to eat, but not enough to fill you up.  You have wine to drink, but not enough to satisfy your thirst.  You have clothing to wear, but not enough to keep you warm.  Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in a pocket filled with holes!”
  We will never be content with these things, all they do is waste away.  We complain about the most stupid, and were never content, while there are kids in other countries who don’t even have the basics!  Why are we upgrading our iphones, if they’re are people in India who don’t even have cell phones??  Haggai 1:13 says, Then Haggai, the LORD’s messenger, gave the people this message from the LORD:  “I am with you, says the LORD!”  God will take care of our basic needs, and will bless us, but seriously isn’t there anything better to use our money for then to just spend it on a bigger phone or another color of shoes?  
  Or better things to do with our time, then to sit and stare at a TV, when they’re are kids running for their lives?  Even we can do just one thing, even if it doesn’t have to do with money, or a third world country, but seriously shouldn’t we actually do something.  About anything that is wrong, just ONE THING!!!!!!!!!!!!  A guy at the 3Girlz4God’s church, has recently been saying often, “If we could just save one life, it’s all worth it.”  ONE LIFE!!!  ONE THING!!!  There’s plenty of things to do, raise money, volunteer, tell someone about the gospel, encourage someone in need.  SOMETHING!!!!  
  In Haggai 1:14-15 it says, So the LORD sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of Gods people.  They came and began their work on the house of the LORD Almighty, their God.  This was on September 21* of the second year of King Daruis’s reign.
  The people began to repair God’s temple 23 days after Haggai’s first message.  Rarely did a prohpets message get a respond that quickly.  Why are we not acting that fast??  Why can’t we do anything, someone may think that you can’t, but you can try.  Trust me, I know, when you really put your mind to something you can do it.  And I know that sounds, cliche, but it’s true.  
I’ve done a few things that I thought I would not be able to do, but my friends and I did it, we set a goal, and reached it!!!  I know a girl who raised like $500, in like six months, she gave all her money to Blood Water mission in Africa, it was amazing.  

  Now I’m not totally innocent myself, as I’m writing this, I feel totally hyprocritical.  But I’m just trying to get my point across, that I think we should all do a little more then just ignore the people who are in pain while we’re comfortably laying on our couches.  Anyway…. thank you!!

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