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Friday, July 11, 2014


Brothers can be so annoying sometimes.  They just pester you, and tease you, and play hard with you!  UGH!  Uh yeah… I wouldn’t know because I don’t have any brothers.  Yeah, I can’t relate to you girs out there that have annoying little brothers, because I have three younger sisters… I pity myself.  All my life I’ve wanted a little or older brother so badly, I’ve even told my sisters that!  When my mom was pregnant with Sarah and Leah I prayed as much as I could about it being a boy… giving indication of the names, they turned out to be girls.  Which I love them, and they’re awesome!!  But I’ve always wanted a little or older brother.
  I read stories where this girl has all older brothers and they seem like so much fun, and I think… Why can’t I have that!?!  Well, I have an announcement to make!!!  Recently I have overcome this predicament with a solution!!!  I now adopt honorary little or older brothers!!!  Right now I only have one little brother- and many others I wish I could have but I will say good-bye to soon- but I am slowly accomodating more brothers!  My honorary little brother, Elijah (I call him ‘lijah), is a short scrawny, little dude, that likes to run around and yell in peoples faces.  
  We are both very competitive, and we are always fighting, we even once fought about why I decided he was my honorary little brother.  We have competed in everything!!!  We’ve had spit wars, and high pitched wars (and because I’m a girl I’m the one who always won that one), we’ve even had a war to see who could make the biggest fake dent over a real dent in a car.  Hey!  He’s my little brother, were supposed to fight about things.  We joke around all the time, that one of our parents kidnapped one of us, and raised us in their family, when they really belonged in the other.  

  I have been telling my mom and his sister over and over again that he is my honorary little brother- they are beginning to get annoyed.  Anyway, just thought I’d freshen you up on the topic, that I am not brotherless!!!!  I have a little brother, he just lives in a different family, and didn’t become my little brother till nine years after he was born.  

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