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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

God's Hope

I have a couple questions for you, if you would please read through this and think about what I'm telling you, I would really appreciate it. Have you sinned??  Have you done anything wrong??  And I don't mean something like stealing, or killing.  I mean even the little things, like deceiving, lying, getting mad at someone.  If you answered, 'I have never done anything wrong' you have just lied.  Everyone has sinned, everyone has done wrong things, and deserve to be punished for it.  It even says that in the bible, Romans 3:23, For all have sinned; all have fallen short of God's glorious standards.  Yes, I am going to be talking about the bible, and God.  The point of the verse, is that everyone has sinned, and if you have sinned even once, then you cannot be in the presence of God.  
   Another verse says, 'But the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.'  Your punishment for sin is death, and spending eternity in hell.  But God didn't just sit around and ignore us while we had no hope.  He sent His only Son, Jesus, down to earth for us, so He could die for our sins.  Jesus was hated down here on earth, even though He was Gods Son, even the people who claimed to follow God plotted against Him.  The men who hated Him, arrested Him for blaspheme.  But He never did anything wrong, not one thing.  He was perfect, He even healed the blind, and lame men, and turned water into wine.  But they arrested Him anyways.  
   He was beaten and mocked, and spit on, before they led Him to the cross to die.  They hung Him on the cross, and let Him die even though He had done nothing wrong.  They nailed His hands into the cross, and His feet.  But none of this was done without a purpose, He did this for our sins, so we would not have to suffer, He took our place.  Everyone of us should have died on the cross, and burned eternally  but He took our place and died.  John 3:16 says, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.'  
   But that is not the end of the story, three days after Jesus died, He rose again.  He gave us hope, and rose from the dead.  That is actually the original reason we celebrate Easter, because it's a day of hope that Jesus rose again after suffering a torturous death for us.  If you except Jesus as your Savior He will except you no matter what you did in your past.  He loves you, and wants you to come to Him, He created you and wants you to be with Him forever.  If you except Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, then pray to God and admit you've done bad things.  Tell Him your sorry for all the bad things you've done and that you want Him to accept you.  If you have any questions about what I just told you about, you can find a bible teaching church near you.  Jesus loves you!!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

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