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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Frustrating and Cute

Leah (   has an attitude cycle.  And when she starts it, you can pretty much not stop it.  Here is her cycle, I will oh so generously give you.
She starts out saying the most adorable things, and everyone just ones to take her away and play with her.  The next moment she's getting into things she's not supposed to and destroying everything in her path, practically pulling our hair out.  Then, so she doesn't get in trouble, she puts on the cute act, and everyone tries not to laugh while she's getting in trouble.  Then when she realizes the cute act did not work, she begins to fake cry her little head off (She has the worst fake cry ever!).  She then gets sent to her room, until she can fix her attitude.  About ten minutes later, you hear she has stopped crying.  You go into her room to see if she's fine, and she has all her clothes o the floor, and has changed her outfit (She does this no matter what time of day it is).  So now her room is a mess, and she is cute once again, and she yearns for attention.  Everyone wants to hold her again and talk to her, and about an hour later she starts the cycle up AGAIN!!!!!!!!  The little girl is so FRUSTRATING!!!  BUT SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!  And man is it good, that she is cute, because we would not be able to hold our patience for long.

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