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Sunday, December 8, 2013

A sick family

Guess what?!!??!!  My family is sick!!!!  Sarah had the flu a couple days ago, than last night tragically, RIAH, LEAH, MY MOM, AND MY DAD ALL GOT SICK!!!!!  Whats worse is, THIS IS THE WEEKEND IT'S SNOWING!!!  AND IT'S THE WEEKEND MY GRANDMA IS MOVING!!!!  Don't you just hate it when your whole entire family gets sick and you see them laying on the couch and how miserable they are, and you think, "Oh no, I'm next. What can I do not to get sick?  Lets see..."
5 minutes later...
You have a gas mask on, isolated in your room, and if anyone dares touch you, you scream at them till they get out and than do everything you can to get the germs off.   But thankfully I can jump for joy, I got my flu shot a couple months ago!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I feel bad for my family.  But I DO NOT want to get sick, it's snowing, it's miserable, IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!!  And it's my friends birthday next week, so I can't get sick on that day.  STAY AWAY FROM SICK PEOPLE!!!  But be nice and serve them and you can get stuff for them, JUST DON'T GET SICK!!!
No, I'm not a germaphobe, I just hate getting sick

Here's a fun video you guys might want to watch,

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