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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello, my name is... Child of The One True King

Get out the note book, or whatever you used yesterday and look at all the lies in there. Do you really believe them?  You're none of those things, take out some more blank stickers or whatever you used and cover the ones in your notebook up with ones that say, "Child of The One True King."  Or you can do something else like; free, His child, loved, saved, masterpiece, true, one, changed, rescued, or new.  Anything else is a lie frm the enemy.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hello, my name is...

Today I'm going to ask you to do something that you may not like to do.  Get a bunch of stickers or whatever, and every time you believe a lie about yourself write it down and put it in a notebook or on a sheet of paper.  After the day is over, I want you to watch this video, and you can watch it any other time also, and listen to the lyrics.  I will post the rest of this challenge tomorrow

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Advent: December 25

Merry Christmas!!!!!  Today there will be no challenge cause its christmas!!  But have fun, and make sure that kids no the true meaning of christmas.  Have fun today!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Advent: December 24

It's Christmas Eve!!!  Have you ever noticed how this seems to be the longest day of the year?  Well, todays challenge is to make you own nativity set, I have never done this, but it sounds fun.  And read the christmas story from Luke.  I hope you have fun doing this, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Advent: December 23

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!!  So today the challenge is s christmas scavenger hunt.  Here are some ideas of what you can find,
Snowman christmas lights
Wrapping paper with some blue and snowflakes
An old christmas carol on the internet
A snowball fight
Christmas decorations that move
A sign that says Jesus Christ is born! Or something similar
Have Fun!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Advent: December 22

Todays, is to make christmas ornaments.  My sister and mom do this all the time in the Christmas season.  It's fun, and real easy if you pick the right one.  Here are some homemade (we didn't make these) christmas ornaments.
Splatter Paint Christmas Ornaments

Have fun!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Advent: December 21

This one I love to do.  It's calling a random number and than singing a christmas carol.  I know some people don't lke it but I just LOVE doing prank calls.  We did this to our neighbor and it was hilarious!!!  Have fun, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Advent: December 20

Strawberry  cheesecake santas!!!  They are so cute!!!! 
  • 16 ounce package fresh California strawberries, washed
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened at room temperature*
  • 4 tablespoons honey, or
  • 4 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • mini chocolate chips, to decorate
  • Instructions
    1. On a cutting board, slice the stem off the strawberry (try to cut it as “flat” as possible since the Santa-berries will use that as a base).
    2. Cut the top third of the strawberry, this will be used as the “hat”.
    3. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, honey or powdered sugar, and vanilla. Mixture will be thick so it’s best that the cream cheese really is at room temperature.
    4. Place creamed mixture inside a zip bag (or a piping bag) and snip one corner off. Make this first cut a bit larger since you are filling the “faces” first.
    5. Top strawberry base with cream mixture, top with the strawberry hats, and squeeze additional mixture on top of the hat.
    6. Next, snip the opposite corner or the bag (or change your piping tip) and make a smaller opening. Use this end to decorate “Santa’s” jacket buttons.
    7. Use mini chocolate chips or chocolate sprinkles to decorate Santa’s eyes. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator up to 3 days.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Advent: December 19

Whoever is reading this... for this challenge you'll need,
A video camera
your family or friends
Now take the video camera and your going to take a video of going around your house, and asking each member of your family a few questions about Christmas.  See what they say, here is are videos of us doing that,

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Advent: December 18

New year is coming up!!!!  Wow, it seems like only last month I was arguing with one of friends at the beginning of the new year.  2014 IS ON ITS WAY!!!  So, todays challenge is to as a family, or by yourself make some goals for the new year.  I personally, have never done this before, I've always wanted to, but I haven't.  But this year I am!!!!  But today. On December eight... teenth.  Make a list!!! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Advent: December 17

Have a living room dance party with you family to your favorite Christmas album.  People, THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do it with friends, and it usually ends up into an argument, but its still fun in the beginning.  Have some fun doing a dance party, it is awesome!!!  And for those who don't like to dance in front of people, I don't either.  Just act like none is there, or laugh at yourself, or make sure that everyone knows your making a fool out of yourself, JUST DO IT!!!  It's so much fun, you won't regret it.  Trust me, and soon you'll be able to do anything like that anytime.  Just learn to laugh at a hilarious joke, and that hilarious joke is, YOU.  Learn to laugh, you have not found true laughter, until you have laughed at yourself.  Now... it is time... for the one and only... your truly... to good to believe...
family included.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Advent: December 16

There are two parts of this challenge today, first part is, MAKE YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS CAROL!!!!  Take one of your favorite Christmas carol, or just a Christmas carol, and change some of the words to personalize.  My friends and I do this all the time, and it is so much fun.  So you can do that, it's lots of fun, you can do it alone or as a family.  This is Santa Claus is coming to town redone,

Jesus loves you
Even though you've sinned;
Better except,
I'm telling you why
Jesus Christ is coming to save
He sees you when you're sleeping
Comforts when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
But forgives, for goodness sake!

O! Jesus loves you!
Even though you've sinned
Better except
I'm telling you why,
Jesus Christ is coming to save!!!

Part two of this challenge (is optional), take a video of yourself singing you "new" Christmas song.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent: December 15

This is not really an activity for christmas, it's more for winter.  Today the challenge is to make... PLAYDOUGH SNOWMEN!!!!!! 
Have fun, I (Emma) don't really like to play with playdough so, I won't be doing this one.
I did not make these snowmen,

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Advent: December 14

This is for the kids,
I know you all like to make wish lists, and you're probably making a wish list today.  So, here's the challenge, Don't do what this guy says to do in the video, and instead think about the true meaning of christmas, JESUS!!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent: December 13

Todays challenge is to make thank you cards, and than fill them out on christmas.  Cause the people who are giving you presents, care about you, and love you, and its kind of obvious cause there giving up there money, so they can get you a gift.  So make a thank you card, to show the people, that you love them, and your are grateful for the gifts they gave you.You know what would be even nicer, if you got them a present!!  Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Advent: December 12

This one I am really going to have fun seeing, SO PLEASE DO IT (was that impolite?)!!!  Make a silly christmas video, and post that you did it and what you did, as a comment here.  Or you can put it on facebook, or e-mail it to somebody. Something.  If you don't know what to do, go, get a friend, and make a never chit chat with video, as a shepherd from Jesus' time, or santa, or maybe Mary!!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advent: December 11

Act out the story of Jesus Christs birth as a family.  If you don't feel like writing a script, here is script I found on the internet (case everything on the internet is great, right?You don't have to do this script),

Scene 1

Mary finds out she's going to have a baby

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2

Mary is at home and looking a bit tearful. (Poor house wall, or furniture, or an empty stage with a spotlight on Mary.)
Angel 1 and Angel 2 have a vantage point where they can see what's happening, standing higher than Mary ideally.

Angel 1 - Hi Mary, How you doing? Why are you crying?

Mary - Well if you had my problems, you'd be a bit upset!

Angel 1 - Wanna talk about it? It's sometimes helps.

Mary - Well, how would you feel if you were going to get married next week, and you'd never even kissed a boy, and then you discovered...

Angel 1 - ... that you were going to have a baby?

Mary - Oh no, How did you know? I don't even know you!

Angel 1 - Well, it's like this. I'd don't want to scare you or anything, but, you remember those old stories the Messiah?

Mary - No!

Angel 1 - Well, no don't faint...

Mary - I'm OK, really

Angel 1 - That's better! God has chosen you. He sent me to tell you that the baby you're having is actually the Son of the most high God!

Mary - [faints]

Angel 1 - Oh no! I think I've got some smelling salts here somewhere....

Scene 2

The angels talk to Joseph

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2


Joseph's workshop - make it look a bit like a carpenters shop, with wooden mallets and wood.
Angels are outside


Angel 1 - It's your turn, I did the last one, and that was the most difficult!

Angel 2 - No, you've had a bit of practice, you'll do it better than me.

Angel 1 - You're not getting away with that. Go on... [pushes Angel 2 through the door]

Joseph - You could have knocked! Who are you anyway? Have you got my delivery, I ordered some wood last week.

Angel 2 - I ... erh

Joseph - Go on, spit it out! I'm a busy man, I'm getting married next week and I haven't even build the table yet!

Angel 2 - I'm sure Mary will be very happy!

Joseph - How do you know about Mary?

Angel 2 - Well, eh actually that's why I'm here. I've got a message.

Joseph - What from Mary?

Angel 2 - Not exactly

Joseph - Who, then!

Angel 2 - Well actually, God!

Joseph - [looks shocked]

Angel 2 - You see, Mary has been chosen to have a really important baby boy. This baby will save his people from their sins.

Joseph - I don't believe it!

Angel 2 - Ask Mary, she's been told WHO he is, and I've been told to tell you WHAT his job is.

Scene 3

Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
Cousin Elizabeth


Angels have a vantage point
A courtyard - Stage walls painted like rough walls and with pots of flowers. Or an empty stage with pots of flowers.
Mary and Elizabeth wait off stage


Angel 2 - Did you tell her husband... what's his name... Zacharias?

Angel 1 - Yeah, but he didn't believe me. I had to take drastic action.

Angel 2 - What did you do?

Angel 1 - I struck him dumb.

Angel 2 - No, you didn't, did you?

Angel 1 - Shut up, here they come. This should be interesting.

Mary and Elizabeth - [walk into the courtyard]

Mary - I would never have believed it! You, having a baby! And at your age too!

Elizabeth - I could say the same about you!

Mary - Well, I've got news... I think you might find it a bit difficult to believe, but this messenger from God turned up one day, and said that I was going to have a baby, and he was going to be 'the Son of the Most High God'

Elizabeth - I don't believe it! That's just like what happened to my husband. You know he works at the temple in Jerusalem. Well one day, he was at work, sacrificing in the temple, and this chap comes along and says he's a messenger from God.

Mary - Wow!

Elizabeth - ...and he said that I was going to have a baby called John, and his job is 'to prepare the way of the
Angel 1 - I thought that went rather well.

Scene 4

The road to Bethlehem

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
Donkey either actor or prop


On the way to Bethlehem, with a donkey
Ideally, cardboard palm trees and a donkey which can be sat on (could be made from cardboard with a stool behind)
Mary - [sitting on the donkey]
Joseph - [leading the donkey]
Angels have a vantage point


Angel 1 - Well I reckon they'll go through Samaria.

Angel 2 - No, they'll go along the river Jordan and up to Bethlehem. They won't want to chance the Samaritan route. Jews and Samaritans don't get on, you know.

Angel 1 - Well for once I've got it right!

Angel 2 - No, No, look, they are turning left. I win.

Angel 1 - Come on, let's let down the Bethlehem and see what happens there.

Scene 5

Birth in the Stable

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2

Door to an Inn (rough wall with a rough door shape in it)


Angel 2 - I feel a bit bad being here.

Angel 1 - Look they are outside the inn. I don't think they should go in there.

Angel 2 - You're right It's not safe. Full of travelers, no privacy. They'll have to sleep on the floor!

Angel 1 - Well it's just a wall really to keep the animals out.

Angel 2 - No they are turning way. Good, they would never have got any sleep in there.

Angel 1 - I think I'd better arrange somewhere better, she's going to have the baby any minute now.

Angel 1 - [slips away off stage]

Stranger - [Enters from offstage and comes up to Joseph]

Stranger - Excuse me! I think I might be able to help you.

Joseph - I'm desperate! My wife is just about to have a baby!

Stranger. - I've got a really nice warm cave just over there, I keep animals there usually, but it'll be comfortable there's plenty of clean straw to lie on.

Joseph - That sounds perfect! Thank you! Mary my dear...

Stranger - [walks off stage]

Joseph and Mary - [follow the stranger off stage]

Angel 1 - [returning to Angel 2] Told you I'd fix something. The boss would have wanted it.

Scene 6

Out on the hillside

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
Shepherd 1
Shepherd 2
Sheep [Actors or props]


Sheep, Either actors or props with 2 shepherds (or more) sitting nearby (withfood and drink if possible)
Angels to one side


Angel 1 - Well, we've got to deal with this lot next.

Angel 2 - What have they got to do with it?

Angel 1 - They are going to see the baby, down in Bethlehem.

[Sound of music playing]

Angel 1 - Come on, we're on, Now mind you don't scare them. Boss wouldn't want people he's chosen scared out of their wits

Angels - [Move closer to the shepherds facing them]

Angels together - Hi guys, don't get up. We've come with a message from God. A baby has been born down in the town, and he is the Messiah. So you've got to go and see him.

Shepherd 1 - I suppose it must be true, look at the lights in the sky! And this music.

Angel 1 - Of course it's true, do you really think God would send us with a message that wasn't true?

Shepherd 2 - Come on then, let's go, Bethlehem it is! Thanks, mate.

Scene 7

Shepherds visit Jesus

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
Baby Jesus (actor or prop)
Sheep (actors or props)
Lamb (actor or prop)


Cave interior - Walls painted like stone
Ideally with a manger with a 'Baby Jesus' inside - Straw bales if possible otherwise cut strips of yellow paper
Mary looking exhausted
Joseph watching the baby sleeping

Angels wait 'outside', just making sure the shepherds get there


Angel 2 - Do you suppose they've got lost? We've been waiting ages!

Angel 1 - Well we used the transporter, didn't we? Look, here they come now...

Joseph - [to shepherd] Have you come to see the baby? He's called Jesus, you know.

Shepherd 1 - He's beautiful!

Shepherds - [take a look at the baby, and give a gift of a lamb to Mary]

Scene 8

Wise men on the road

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
3 Wise men
3 camels (actors or props)


On the road - Use the palm trees again
3 camels (actors or props) for the wise men (Ideally possible to sit on - maybe a painted camel with a stool behind)


Angel 1 - Look, here they come now!

Angel 2 - Who is it this time?

Angel 1 - Those wise men who've just come across the desert.

Angel 2 - How did they find their way here?

Angel 1 - They followed a star, how else would you find your way across the desert?

Wise man 1 - [talking to Wise men 2 and 3] Well, I don't trust that Herod we just met, even if he is a King.

Angel 1 - [loudly so the wise men can hear] Don't go back, stay away from King Herod

Wise man 2 - What was that? Did you hear it?

Angel 1 - Don't go back, stay away from King Herod

Wise man 3 - I heard something. I think it was a voice saying 'Go back to King Herod'

Angel 1 - NO! Don't go back, stay away from King Herod

Wise man 1 - There it was again. You're wrong, It said 'Don't go back to King Herod'

Wise man 2 - Well if you dreaming that we all are. I heard it too.

Wiseman 3 - Let's home home on a different route.

Angel 2 - Well done, they got the message

Scene 9

Wise men visit Jesus

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
Baby Jesus (actor or prop)
Sheep (actors or props)
Lamb (actor or prop)
3 Wise men


Cave interior - Walls painted like stone
Ideally with a manger with a 'Baby Jesus' inside - Straw bales if possible otherwise cut strips of yellow paper
Mary looking less exhausted
Joseph watching the baby sleeping


Wisemen - [go on stage and enter the cave]

Angel 1 - They made it. They finally got here.

Joseph - We've got visitors again Mary. They look like some kind of eastern wise men.

Mary - Well let them in, dear. I expect they want to see Jesus.

Wise man 1 - Hi, we heard about the baby

Wiseman 2 - We've crossed the desert to see him

Wiseman 3 - We brought gifts

Mary - How did you find out about him?

Wiseman 1 - Our ancient books of wisdom told us.

Mary - You are so welcome.

Wisemen - [One by one, present gifts to Joseph]

Wiseman 2 - Here are our gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Wiseman 3 - As time goes on, you will understand the meaning of these gifts

Scene 10

Outside the stable

Required Actors:

Angel 1
Angel 2
Baby Jesus (actor or prop)
Sheep (actors or props)
Lamb (actor or prop)
Herod's soldiers


Cave interior - Walls painted like stone
Ideally with a manger with a 'Baby Jesus' inside - Straw bales if possible otherwise cut strips of yellow paper
Mary sleeping
Joseph sleeping
Gifts from wise men still by the manger.

Angels 'outside'


Angel 1 - There is danger. Herod's men are coming. You need to tell Joseph they must get out quick

Angel 2 - Why me?

Angel 1 - You've spoken to him before. Come on, there isn't much time.

Angel 2 - [enters cave]

Angel 2 - Oh no, Joseph is asleep.

Angel 1,- Well he'll just have to think it was a dream. You might have to shout.

Angel 2 - Wake up, Joseph, this is important. Herod's soldiers are on the way, they want to kill the baby. I don't think he heard me.

Joseph - Mary wake up quickly, we need to pack up and go now.

Mary - [sleepily] What did you say?

Joseph - Come on Mary, it's important we have to escape King Herod and save the baby. Now, Mary, there's no time to waste.

Mary - We shall we go? as she was packing

Joseph - South to Egypt. The baby will be safe from King Herod there.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The magic lamp

This is a story I (Emma) had to do for CC.  Hope you like it!!!

The magic lamp

     Drake ran as quickly as he could through the markets.  He heard a crazed scream behind him, and ran faster.  “You come back here!!”  his angry perturbed wife yelled.

     Whoosh.  Arrows sliced through the air.  It seemed everyone was staring at him as if he was a crazed maniac fleeing from a squirrel.  Over him, the hot sun was beating down on Drakes fatigued body, beads of sweat ran down his forehead.  I have to hide.  he thought.  Suddenly, he stopped running and glanced around.  He had ran outside of town, into the middle of nowhere.  It was bleak in the desert, and the sand was a golden color, with an occasional sparkling grains of sand.  Unfortunately, he heard another scream.  Reminding him of the chase.  He started running frantically.  He ran and ran till he saw something massive in the distance, Drake squinted  and looked closely.  A cave!   

     Drake ran toward the cave and intriguingly peeked inside .  The cave was dark and eary, he heard the sound of dripping water, and flapping wings.  He cautiously pursued inside the vacant cave. Inside, glanced around.  There was a curved, lumpy path, and rocks jutting out of the walls of the cave.  He traveled down the path carefully.  Abruptly the cave started making a cryptic sound, Drake listened, and started to approach the melodious music.  Minutes later he peeked around the corner, and saw a shining lamp.  Trimmed with rubies and emeralds.  It shone rich gold.  There was smoke around it.  He approached the lamp to hastily retrieve it, but heard a whisper, commanding, “Take me outside!” 

     Drake greedily apprehended the lamp, and took it through the curved path and out the interminable cave. 

     He studied the lamp until he found a large emerald that read, push me.  Drake pressed the emerald in, and out of the lamp came spewing fire, and smoke.  It looked magical, the smoke was dark grey, and he saw it transform into a boy clothed in jewels and expensive clothes.  “You have three wishes, choose them wisely!” the boy bellowed.

     “Who are you?”  Drake asked, astonished.

     The boy smiled, “I am the proficient gene of this lamp.  I can grant you anything you wish for.” 

     Drake rubbed his hands together greedily, and wished, “I wish to get rid of my wife.”

     “You got rid of a pest, but there are many more.”  he mumbled.

     Ignoring him, Drake proclaimed, “Next, I wish for servants!”

     The boy snapped his finger, and smiled mischievously.  “Now for my last wish, I wish to be ruler of Arabia!”

     The boy snapped his fingers once more.  Drake waited greedily for something to happen, but there was nothing.  The young boy started laughing.  “What’s so funny?”  Drake demanded, confused. 
     “I’m not a real gene!!” the boy proclaimed.
     The boy started running as the stunned Drake yelled for him to come back.  He sighed.  He was progressing back to the cave when he heard a battle cry, Oh great.  Drake started running as an arrow whipped passed him.  After that day, he was never seen again.

Audreys birthday

Happy Birthday!!!!
Most of you know her as Ealati Sophia, Hana Louise, Charlemagne, Audry Murry, Celina Patrine, Makayla Blak, and Nana Jo, it is, Audrey Murray!!!!!!!!!!
Today is her birthday and Riah and I are saying, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  Anyway, there is not much else just, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
YOU'RE 12!!!!  YAY!!!!  I'm going to stop now, before Audrey gets mad I'm doing this..

Is 12 years old, she likes to draw and do gymnastics.  She has a passion to do mission trips.  She would love to go to Africa to be a missionary.  She is very much like Emma, she also loves archery, reading, and playing the piano.  Her favorite color is blue, she is a tomboy, she can be shy but is very friendly.  One of Audrey's favorite Bible verses is, "For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13

Happy Birthday, Old lady!!!!

Advent: December 10

Do you like to bake?  Well, actually I don't do it much.  But I came across an activity that might be a little fun.  So, here it is, the challenge for December 10th is, making and decorating a cake for Jesus.  Ask yourselves these following questions when making the cake for Jesus,
Question 1:  What kind of cake does He like?                                   What the Girlz think: vanilla
Question 2:  What color of frosting would He want?                          What the Girlz think: gold/yellow or white
Question 3:  What design would he want?                                         What the Girlz think: His creation; animals; people you know; nature etc.
Question 4:  What would He want it to say?                                      What the Girlz think: John 3:16; For God so loved the world He gave His only beggoten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Next step:  EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Or save until Christmas

Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent: December 9

The challenge to day is to do one of these 5 things...
1. Write a letter to a family friend
2. Make christmas cookies
3. Read the christmas story in the bible
4. Write a letter to Jesus thanking him for all the gifts you've received over the year
5. Hang up mistletoe and hand out kisses

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A sick family

Guess what?!!??!!  My family is sick!!!!  Sarah had the flu a couple days ago, than last night tragically, RIAH, LEAH, MY MOM, AND MY DAD ALL GOT SICK!!!!!  Whats worse is, THIS IS THE WEEKEND IT'S SNOWING!!!  AND IT'S THE WEEKEND MY GRANDMA IS MOVING!!!!  Don't you just hate it when your whole entire family gets sick and you see them laying on the couch and how miserable they are, and you think, "Oh no, I'm next. What can I do not to get sick?  Lets see..."
5 minutes later...
You have a gas mask on, isolated in your room, and if anyone dares touch you, you scream at them till they get out and than do everything you can to get the germs off.   But thankfully I can jump for joy, I got my flu shot a couple months ago!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I feel bad for my family.  But I DO NOT want to get sick, it's snowing, it's miserable, IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!!  And it's my friends birthday next week, so I can't get sick on that day.  STAY AWAY FROM SICK PEOPLE!!!  But be nice and serve them and you can get stuff for them, JUST DON'T GET SICK!!!
No, I'm not a germaphobe, I just hate getting sick

Here's a fun video you guys might want to watch,

Advent: December 8

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Advent: December 7

Today the challenge is to  go out and find someone you know who doesn't know Jesus, and tell them about Him.  You could talk as long as you feel led to.  Pray about who God wants you to do, and tell someone about Jesus.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19

Friday, December 6, 2013

Advent: December 6

* I love you
* I am proud of you
* You are important
* You are special
* You have worth
* You are unique
* You look great

Sorry this started a little late, but 3Girlz4God is doing an advent with challenges everyday.  Today, the challenge is to two people who is really special to you and tell them at least 3 of these things each and mean it.  The girlz will also be doing these challenges, so don't worry, you're not alone.

Bear ye one another burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.  Galations 6:2