This is the beginning of the new year, 2015! Happy new year! For the new year, each of us have compiled a list of resolutions for this new year. At the end of the year, we will put a list of which goals we succeeded in, and which ones we did not, and why. I hope you enjoy seeing our resolutions, why don't you do it also! It's fun to know you have goals for the year!
1. Read the bible everyday
2. Finish the second draft of Twelve Dawns Rise by the end of the year
3. Read 75 books
4. Watch Lord of the Rings
5. Read ten books of the bible
1. Read ten books of the bible
2. Finish all of my biology reports for CC
3. Start book 4A in piano by the end of the year
4. Read the bible everyday
5. Read all books required for CC
1. Read the bible everyday and do my Devo
2. Paint 3 paintings by my Birthday
3. Master my multiplication tables
4. Read the 39 Clues series
5. Read two books of the bible
1. Write 70 posts
2. Put five Never Chit Chat With's on
3. Put a video of Birches Canyon on
4. Not start late on our Christmas advent
5. Each of us write three posts