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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2 Year Anniversary

Hello peeps! It's been pretty quiet around here lately, hasn't it!? Lets see when was the last post... Riah's birthday, back in February? Well, we will- hopefully- be fixing that soon. And as some of you know- although you probably don't- today is the second year anniversary of starting 3Girlz4God. So, to celebrate this momentous occasion, we have thrown a bottle out into the ocean! With some friends! I will be placing the video of us- and our friends- throwing the bottle out in another post soon. For now- on the second year anniversary of the day we created this splendid blog and started the fun- we will put copies of the letters we sent out. It is my own letter (Emma), Audrey's letter, and Moriah's letter. Here it is:

Dear Stranger,
My name is Emma Nikki, and I am fourteen years old.  I love to read and write, and archery.  I have three blogs at this time, two that I co-write, and one that I manage on my own.  The Author’s Plot is by myself, and then I co-write the Nutty REEEES, and 3Girlz4God (3G4G).  3G4G is the reason you have found this bottle.  A few friends of mine and I decided to send out this bottle, and for three of us it’s an anniversary thing.  Audrey, Moriah, and I.  You see, on September 1 of 2015 (in a couple of weeks) will be the second year anniversary of 3G4G.  We are each writing letters (along with some of our other friends) and putting them in this bottle you’ve found.  Then we are going to to the beach, and throwing out this bottle to discover the world and see new sights.  The reason these other friends of ours are doing it also, is because they’re part of our bible study.  As Audrey mentioned in her letter, the name of the bible study is, Journey to Freedom.  And these girls, Kim, Maleah, and  (perhaps, we don’t know yet if she’s coming) Kaily, are joining in on the “bottle game”  (if you wish to call it that).  I have loved the study we’ve been doing, and it’s such an amazing group of girls.  We have been studying about our identity in Christ, and I’ve learned that not everything I believe is correct (But then, isn’t that the moral of life?  That not everything we believe is right- actually, no, not really).  Also that what I do is not what I am.  For example, I enjoy writing.  Like, a lot.  It’s been my passion since before I could spell, and it’s been my one and only dream since five years old.  But I have learned recently, that a writer is who I am, it’s what I do.  So, that’s what I’ve learned.  Anyways, hope that was important to you in some way.  I went to Mexico on a missions trip!  I went with Audrey!  It was amazing, I worked with disabled orphans.  I miss them!  Well, hope you enjoyed that little babble.  Anyways, bye.

Emma Nikki

Dear random person that I do not know all,
I am Moriah Tristyn Jayne I am eleven years old I am araond 5 feet 5 ½ inches the year is 2015 august 9.  today is sunday.  me and my sister and my frind has a blog called 3 girlz for God 9th z is spost to be therr)  I live in Lebanon Oregon.  I injoy art, musss, disining, trak, cooking, hicking with my dad and doing never chit chat with with my sister  Emma and my frind Audrey (go to 3 girlz 4 God or youtube).  My favrot coller is teal (my sister just yelld, it is a fan!  crazy).  So I have 4 crazily awesome sisters and sadly I have 0 zilch nada brothers :( :(  So last year my sisters and I did a homscol teusday scool calld clackal conversachons and I did essenchles in c c.  We wrote reports on history things and gramor ruls and words.  I wich you cod send a mecig backe to me but if you could i would whant you to ancer thes qestons

  1. what is your name
  2. your favoret coller
  3. do you go to school
  4. wharr do you live
  5. how meny sliblings do you have
  6. how old are you

God bless you,
Moriah T. Jayne

p.s. sory I did not spell evry thing right

Hey there!  My name is Audrey Kristine Murray.  I am 13 years old.  My birthday is December 10 2001.  I am so happy you got this letter.  Me and a few of my close friends decided it would be fun if we put a letter into a bottle and threw it into the pacific ocean.  The date is August 10th, 2015.  Emma and I went on missions trip last month.  It was a blast.  My e-mail is  I am a huge fan of Christ!  He is the one who loves me and protects me.  I love Jesus Christ!  He loves you too!  John 3:16 explains, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, and whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.”  :)
  Christ has made me feel so incredibly loved even when others didn’t.  I hope you will experience the same feeling!  By the way I live in Lebanon Oregon, United States.  I have seven siblings!  They are amazing, yes, they have their moments, but overall they are sweet and incredible.  I have two brothers, five sisters.  I am the oldest!  Please try to get back to me… this is the only letter I have sent out to sea!  Thank you!  
  When I grow up I want to share the good news about Jesus with others (a.k.a. missionary).  Well, have a wonderful day!

A Daughter in Christ,
Audrey Kristine Murray!  :) :) :) :)

p.s. I am a bit crazy!