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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Twelve Dawns Rise~ Clans

I (Emma) is in the middle of writing a book called, Twelve Dawns Rise.  In this story, their are seven separate clans, and I thought I'd share with you what each clan looks like.  Including the Imperium, which isn't an actual clan.

Cloud Valley:

Frost Woods:

The Woods:

Shocking Empire:

Mist Lakes:
(This picture is a little blurry, but you get it)

Flaming Forest:

Shades Forest:

And as a bonus:

(This is Sedona, Arionza)


(Here's the Shadow of Death, which is a little lighter then usual)

(And here is the Valley of Storms)

Hope you enjoyed this (BTW, a friend if mine, chose the pictures for, Frost Woods, Flaming Forest, Shades Forest, Mist Lake, and Shocking Empire)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Last night Moriah and Emma were talking, when Moriah farted in the middle of their conversation.  Here is the discussion that followed:

Emma:  (Singing to the tune of, “You won’t knock down our wall” from Veggietales)  Keep fart’in, but you won’t knock down our wall!  Keep fart’in, but she isn’t gonna fall!  It’s plain to see, your gas is very small, so keep fart’in, BUT YOU WON’T KNOCK DOWN OUR WALL!!
(Moriah starts laughing)
Emma:  BUT YOU WON’T KNOCK DOWN OUR WALL!... Oh, wait a second.  *repulsive voice*  Yep, I think that might do it.  I wonder if, while the Israelites were walking around the wall of Jericho, if one of them farted!  (Starts laughing)
Riah:  Yeah!  The trumpets blow… BBBBBBB *fart noise* Oops, there goes the wall!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Shot Heard Around the World

This week in school one of the Girlz, Riah, created a report on the Shot Heard Around the World.  I (Emma) was listening to her read her report, and one of the last sentences was, "To this day no one knows who shot the first shot.  But it was the shot heard of around the world."  That gave me a spark of inspiration for a short story.  To start this story off, "Who fired that first shot, the shot that was heard around the world?"
Here is the answer:

It was 1775, and Daniel Stockholm laid his gun on his shoulder.  He shouted to his wife, across the room, "I'm go'in out hunt'in, Bessie!  I'll come home with a large deer for dinner tomorrow night!"
   "Daniel, be careful!  I hear there are red-coats out tonight!"  Bessie answered.
   Daniel nodded, and left the house.  He breathed in the cold night air.  He always preferred hunting at night, less of a chance he might accidentally shoot someone.  For the next hour, he tracked some prints of a deer, and eventually it lead him to some bushes.  He glanced through the twigs and leaves of the branches, and found the sight of a few tens of America's minute-men holding guns and staring hard at something across from them.  The people across from them wore shiny red-coats, and fancy boots and hats.  They stood straight and "professional."  They were the red-coats, they worked for the King of England.  A general shouted at America's minute-men, "Disperse you rebels, or force will be used upon you!"
   The minute-men did not budge.  Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Daniel caught the sight of a deer.  Out of instinct, he turned his back on the debating soldiers and minute-men, and fired at the deer.  It fell to the ground, and as it did, he heard the sound of shots behind him.  He turned back, and saw a raging battle had begun between the two sides.  Gun shots rang in the night air.  Daniel sat, transfixed, for the next hour, until the Red-Coats began retreating.  Minutes later, Daniel was moving his deer, when he overheard the voice of two minute-men.  "Who shot that first time?"  One asked, "Us, or the Red-Coats?"
   The second man shrugged, "I don't know.  But it's started a war between Britain and America."
   Holy Moly!  I just started a war!  Daniel thought, realizing he had shot that first shot, when he shot his deer.  He journeyed home, in deep thought, dragging the deer behind him.  When he entered his home, he told Bessie (who was still awake out of worry) what had happened.  She brushed aside his worry, and responded, "Well at least you brought me food to make our dinner with.  That's all that matters.  Let the British and Americans have their silly war.  It doesn't matter nearly as much as our dinner!"

Wise Words From My Cousin

I was browsing through Facebook a couple weeks ago, and found one of my cousins post.  I began reading, and I decided I needed to share this with you.  Here are her wise words:

Ever get that bad feeling when you didn't do your homework? When you get to school and you try to laugh it off? But when you get to class and the teacher comes around and asks "did you do your homework Nickelle?" And then you have to shake your head no and get this feeling in your stomach because you are guilt about it. In that moment you wished you had more time to do it. But in reality you had a lot of time. You were just slacking off and procrastinating. That's how it's like with God. You go through life while he asks you to do thugs for him. You keep saying you will do it but you go back to your comfort zone and procrastinate. You wait until you want to do it. In the end God asks you "son/daughter, did you do what I asked of you?" And you have to look to God and say no you didn't. Then you go hide in your little hole and wish you had more time. You feel guilty. But just like the homework, God gave you plenty time. You just had to choose to do it.
We have to stop slacking off. We need to do what is right wether we want to or not. In both our relationship with God and school we all like the feeling of "yes I did it. I did what was asked of me." The teacher (God) is proud and is happy with you. I struggle with it too (homework & God) but all of us need to be better about being obedient. We need to do our homework.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tessah Lynn Jayne

At 5:43 October 20, Tessah Jayne was born.  Us Jaynes have a new beautiful addition!!!  She is 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and 22 inches.  The Jaynes now have five kids, all girls.  She has all five toes, five fingers, a nose (And an adorable little nose!), two eyes, and you know, everything is normal.  There was some trouble with her breathing in the beginning, but she's fine now, and an adorable little sister.  (To see Audreys little brothers post about his birth, it's here, Trevor Keith Murray)
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb.  
Psalm 139:13

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Friendship Quotes

Lately I've been looking at friendship quotes, and pictures.  And since 3Girlz4God, is made up of 3 friends, I'd put some on.


  (This is only true for Audrey though, since Riah and Emma are sisters)


What is your favorite friendship quote?

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I (Emma) thought it was about time to put another post on here, so I looked up some quotes, and here are some of my favorites.  Enjoy!!