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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Advent: Day 12

Here, the day before Christmas Eve, is the last day of our 12 day Christmas Advent.  Tomorrow, I'm going to do something else besides a Christmas song.  But for the last day, I'm putting this amazing video of a flash mob singing Christmas song on.  I hope you enjoy this!  It's amazing!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Advent: Day 11

This song I (Emma)  heard at a Christmas party at my friends youth group, and it was so much fun!  So, hear is the song for you to know enjoy!  Run, Run Rudolph by Chuck Berry from the 60's.  I hope you enjoy this song!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Advent: Day 10

Today we have a beautiful version of Hark!  The Herald Angels Sing.  This is sung by the Celtic Woman in Dublin.  I hoep you enjoy this wonderful Christmas song of Christs birth.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Advent: Day 9

Next song in our Christmas Song Advent is, Carol of the Bells!  I hope you enjoy this classic rock Christmas song!  Enjoy!  BTW, no lyrics.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Advent: Day 8

Who doesn't like, Jingle Bell Rock!?  The 3 Girlz love this song!  So today is the perfect day to put this song on 3Girlz4God.  Now, we also really enjoy listening to Britt Nicole.  So, we'll be putting the video of her singing Jingle Bell Rock on.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Advent: Day 7

You probably haven't heard of this Christmas, because it's not a classic.  But it's a really fun Christmas song, by the artists of Fireflies.  Here is Lights of Christmas, it's the credits song for the end of Merry Larry and the Light of Christmas.  I hope you enjoy!  It's a fun Christmas song, and it features Tobymac!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Advent: Day 6

Half way through our caroling advent!  Now here is a song, which Emma loves to listen to, mixed with a little rock.  I hope you don't mind loud music.  :)  Here is What Child is this? sung by, Elle Zamudio.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Advent: Day 5

Five golden rings!  Here is one of the Jaynes favorite Christmas song, that I hope you all also enjoy.  Havce fun listening to The Little Drummer Boy!  I hope you also enjoy Pentatonix, because they're singing it.  They're not a Christian group, but I love how they sing this.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Advent: Day 4

O' Holy Night!  This is the song for today, the fourth day of our advent!  And who better to sing it, then, Carrie Underwood?  :)  We hope you enjoy!  Such a beautiful song, sung by a beautiful voice!  Enjoy!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Advent: Day 3

Day 3 of advent!  So today we're (Obviously) doing another fun Christmas song!  Although this time it's not fun it's more gentle.  I hope you enjoy Jesu, Joy of a Mans Desiring!  Audrey played this song at her Christmas piano recital, and we thought we'd share, so you could hear the majestic notes which construct this song!  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Advent: Day 2

It's the second day of our advent, and here is our next song... Joy to the World!  This song Emma played at her Christmas recital.  Of course it didn't hear this nice, and had no words singing along.  But since everyone knows this song, sing-along with Rend Collective (One of Emma's favorite groups)!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Advent: Day 1

Starting NOW it is twelve days till Christmas!  And for these twelve days of advent, the 3 Girlz are going to post a new Christmas song on here each day.  We hope you enjoy!
Now, naturally since, it's twelve days till Christmas, our first song will be, The Twelve Days of Christmas!  And everyone knows this song!  So, here's one thats twisted, for fun!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Happy Birthday!

It's Audrey's birthday again (Obviously, it was her birthday last year on this day)!  She is now officially a teenager!  OOO!!  Scary!  :)

Audrey is an amazing friend!  Riah and I hope she has an amazing birthday!  Happy Birthday, Audrey!  You old lady!  Have an amazing birthday!    
Is 13 years old, she likes to draw and do gymnastics.  She has a passion to do mission trips.  She would love to go to Africa to be a missionary.  She is very unique and fun, she also loves archery, reading, and playing the piano.  Her favorite color is blue, she is a girly-girl, but doesn't mind getting down and dirty.  She can be shy but is very friendly.  One of Audrey's favorite Bible verses is, "For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13

Monday, December 8, 2014

Harry Potter

I (Emma) started showing an interest in reading Harry Potter in the middle if the summer, and over the course of a couple months I have read some and watched some of the movies.  So now I'm giving a review.  There are seven books in the series of Harry Potter (Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows), I only got to read the entire first three books before I decided I shouldn't be reading them.
   I started reading the fourth book, but then stopped because there was to many bad words.  So I skipped to the ending, and started the fifth book.  But by the time I got to chapter 5 I had read 3 bad words, and wanted to stop.  So I stopped reading the series.  In all that I read from the five books there were 13 bad words.  There wasn't really anything else that was questionable in the books, but in the fourth book there was some romance apparently.  I didn't read it, but I saw it in the movie.  It was some ball and this guy named Viktor, asked Hermione to go with him.  And she said yes, but apparently there were some complications with Ron, but I don't know what they were because I didn't exactly understand it.
   My full reviews on the first five books are here, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Goblet of FireHarry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.
   I have watched the first four movies, but then I stopped, because my Dad said if I wanted to continue watching them, I'd have to do a LOT of math.  But here is what I can review:
The first movie (BTW, it's been awhile since I watched this movie, so sorry if I skip something), is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  It was great, and was appropriate.  If your kids have nightmares easily though, they shouldn't watch this.  It's not really "scary," it just has some really creepy things toward the end.  The second movie (BTW, it's been awhile since I watched this movie, so sorry if I skip something), is Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets.  This one is really bloody, and kind of like a haunted mystery movie a little.  Again, if your kid has nightmares easily, they shouldn't watch this.
The third movie (BTW, the CD I watched this on was scratched, so it automatically skipped a part, sorry if I miss anything), is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  This one was really good, but if you don't like werewolves... don't watch it.  (Spoiler!)  Professor Lupin is a werewolf in the movie, and in the last bit he turns into a werewolf.  (Spoiler over!)  If you have nightmares easily, you should be careful about the movie.
The fourth movie is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  This one is pretty good, there was some romance stuff, and a ball.  Harry Potter asks a girl to the ball, but she says no.  There were some complications with Ron and Hermione.  But I think thats it.  Well I guess if you don't want to be seeing a REALLY pale creepy bald guy, don't watch this.

For more "professional" Christian reviews on the movies and books, look at these.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone- Movie ReviewBook Review
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets- Movie ReviewBook Review
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- Movie ReviewBook Review
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire- Movie ReviewBook Review
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix- Movie ReviewBook Review
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince- Movie ReviewBook Review
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Movie Review 1Movie Review 2Book Review

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Writing Journey: Autobiography

Once Upon a Time...
A young girl of five years old, sat on the sidewalk with her best friend constructing a story of acorns.  As she sat, and watch her friend consult with her, and write down their words, she realized how enjoyable writing was to her.  She smiled, and thought to herself, I will be an author someday.  That lead her on a journey to writing many stories, many attempts on books, and many doubts.  As she grew older, she wrote many stories.  Her first story, which she wrote at the age of six, was titled, The Stamp Girls.  It was a short creation of five pages, and it only brewed the little girls dream more.  
   She wrote many more stories through the years, The Nervous Owl, The Surprised Dinosaur, The Armor of God, Jill's Troubles, each gave her more passion for her dream.  By the time she was ten years old, she had written many short stories, she had even attempted to write full-length books.  But never could get pass five chapters before quiting.  At ten years old, she began writing a story, inspired by the series, Dear America.  Awhile after, she succeeded in writing eighty-one pages, with the story finished.  She was very proud of herself, and relished in the feeling of being done with her story.  
   After two more years of writing random stories, and creating endless worlds in her mind, she invented a story titled, Dakota's Murderer.  She only wrote three chapters before quiting, but she felt very proud of the three chapters she wrote.  Around that time, she began her own blog with a few friends, and became the main author for the posts.  She eventually grasped a new idea for a story in her mind, and began immediately writing.  She stole the characters from Dakota's Murderer, and placed them in her new story.  After a few months or writing, and getting opinions, she was done with her thirty paged story titled, Tied By Fear.
   When she finished, she began on a new story.  Twelve Dawns Rise.  She is now part way done with the book, and feeling very proud of her work.  As you might have guessed by now, the girl, is Emma Jayne.
I hope you enjoyed this autobiography of my writing journey.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Fire Within Me

Yesterday, I was reading a new blog I'd found, and came across this picture.  It was a writing prompt, and the post said I had to come up with a story that had to do with this picture.  So I decided to take on the challenge.  Here is what I came up with:
The sky above,
The earth below,
The fire within,
Resurrect the violin

Those were the words on the wall.  The words that had mocked Anastasia for years.  The years she had spent in her little quiet castle, alone, in dark rooms.  No sky above, no earth below, no fire within.  For years- every one of her slow fifteen years- she had grown up in the castle, with only the mocking words, and the locked up violin to keep her company.  She wanted desperately to break free of her dark, lonely, prison, and see the sky, and earth, and fire.  She had a clear image of what each looked like, given to her by her silent, invisible father.  But she desired passionately to see those things for herself.  
 Anastasia knew what she had to do to see the beautiful creations, she had to resurrect the violin.  Just as it said in the words.  She had to unlock the violin from its cell, and play the wonderful exoctic notes, to create music.  But all her life, she had been afraid.  Afraid of creating the music she had never heard before.  Afraid to accept her fathers gift, which he had offered to her since birth.  She was afraid to leave the dark and despairing castle, the only place she had ever known, no matter how much she hated it, she was afraid to leave.  
  Anastasia swung around, her simple renaissance skirt swayed elegantly behind her.  She quickly and quietly marched out of the vacant room, and shut the door as she exited.  She walked down the corridors, and guided herself to her own gloomy room.  She entered, and layed herself down on the floor, her raven hair sprawled over the cold ground, her dark green eyes stared up at the bare black ceiling, her white hands rested on her black corset.  She began to imagine fresh, bright blue, skies, and green, vibrant, grasses.  She dreamed of someday smelling the morning air, and staring up at the glittery night skies.  
  Anastasia did not understand herself, she hated the dark dreary castle she lived in, yet she was afraid to leave it.  She could leave anytime, all she needed to do was play the violin, but she refused.  She hated herself for it, she hated her fear, and her loneliness.  She was tired of the despair, she was tired of telling herself she would free herself, then refusing.  She wanted to take chances.  She desired to force herself up, and create music on the patiently waiting violin.  But as always, her legs would not move.  
  Anastasia sighed, and let herself fall into a deep and sudden sleep.
  Many minutes later, a loud sound of a great crash disturbed her from her normal dreamless sleep.  Another crash sounded from many halls away.  The noise resembled a large man, stomping on her castle.  She sat up on the cold ground, and searched for any sign of unexpected danger suddenly lurking in the walls.  A troubling noise, sounded from above Anastasia.  She glimpsed up, and found the sight of a crack in her ceiling.  She quickly stood, and spun away, just at the moment that the ceiling came crashing down to her resting place.  
  Anastasia gaped at the sight.  She knew exactly what was happening, her castle was falling apart.  And she was about to be crushed underneath the rubble and debri of her castle.  But suddenly, she remembered the gift her father had offered her since birth.  The beautiful violin.  She could still play the violin, and leave the castle, alive.  She didn’t think of it any longer, she rushed out of her decaying room, and ran down the corridors, as her castle crumbled to peices.  Echoes of the falling roofs rung in her ears, she saw the dreary walls of the castle crack and splinter, the ground shook beneath her.  
  Anastasia tripped over her own feet, and she fell to the ground, placing a thin wound over her left eye, reaching down to her cheekbone.  She stood straight again, and began to sprint across the castle once more.  Suddenly, the ceiling caved, in front of her.  She screamed out in surprise, but was drowned out by the noise of falling debri.  A large heap of rubble layed in front of her, blocking her exit.  More debri crumbled around her as she fell to the ground in disbelief and began to sob.  
  “Why are you crying, my dear princess?”  A kind voice spoke, muting out the sound of falling rubble.
  Anastasia immediately knew the voice to be her invisible father’s.  He was speaking to her for the first time.  Through her sobs, she answered, “I am going to die in this dreary castle, under the rubble.  I am never going to be able to see the sky, or earth, or fire.”  She sobbed into her hands, and continued, “I could have left at any time, but I never did.  I let your precious gift of freedom go to waste!  It’s my own fault I’m going to die like this!  You knew this was going to happen, so you gave me a way out all these years, and I put it aside as something to be afraid of!”
  “What makes you think I’m going to leave you here to die without giving you another chance?”  Her father asked, patiently.
  Anastasia sobbed until she thought she had no tears left.  The castle continued to collaspe in front of her, as she answered, “I don’t deserve to be saved.  I ignored your gift for fifteen years!  A gift from my own father!  I was selfish, and fearful, and didn’t trust you!  I should have trusted you!  Now you must hate me for not trusting you!”
  “Why must I?”
  Anastasia glanced up for a moment, and found a wonderful sight.  The pile of rubble was gone.  She smiled broadly, and laughed.  “Go, I have given you another chance.”  Her father’s voice echoed.
  She nodded, and stood up once again, and sprinted as fast as she could through the corridors to her safety.  Debri continued to crumble all around her, but she ignored the terror, and focused on reaching the violin.  After several turns, Anastasia finally reached the violin.  She slowly approached it, beginning to doubt herself again, but quickly put it behind her.  The violin was beautiful and majestic.  The handsome bow sat beside it, waiting to grasped, and stroke its strings along the violins beautiful notes.  
  With trembling hands, Anastasia reached down, and clutched the bow and violin.  It felt incredibly natural embedded in her palms, as if the two tools were made specifically for her.  She brought the bow to the strings of the violin, and instictively began to play.  It was as if Anastasia had played the violin a million times before, and practiced this song for that moment.  The bow knew exactly what to do.  On the first broad stroke, the bow sparked on fire.  The unique dancing flames were beautiul in her eyes.  Everything about the violin was beautiful.  The music that sounded from the notes, were so perfect and lovely to Anastasia’s ears.  The fire, which crawled along the bow and violin, danced in majestic motion.   
  The castle continued to crumble, as she played.  At each majestic stroke, she noticed a crack appear on the walls or in the ceiling.  They seemed to open up into another world, a world she was eager to travel to.  Finally, on the final great stroke, the ceiling collapsed down to the place Anastasia stood.  The next thing she knew, she was standing in a green feild, with the sky above her, the earth below her, and a fire newly kindled within her.  She smiled, and laughed, as if she were five years old.  
  With her violin and bow in clutched safely in her hands, she ran freely in the delightful colors and cool air.  After joyously running through the feild, she saw someone in the distance, approaching her.  She stopped, and stared at the person, who approached her.  She had never seen the person in her entire life, but she knew instantly who he was.  He was her gracious father.  
  Still smiling, she ran to her father, and hugged him tightly around the waist when she caught up to him.  Her father smiled, “Welcome home, Anastasia.  My dear princess.”
  She stepped back, and smiled at her father, “Thank you.”
  Instantly she began playing her violin, and once again everything about it was perfect.  The fire, the music, and there were no mistakes.  She danced to the music, with the sky above, the earth below, the fire within, she had reserructed the violin.

Later, I realized the end kind of followed along with the end of this music video. So I thought I'd share the video also.  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Leah's Rules:

Leah just came over to me, and started telling me some rules she came up with.  Anyway, I thought I should share them, here they are:
1. Don't fight with butterflies
2. Don't destroy all of the triangles
3. Don't destroy all of circles
5. Don't destroy or eat the doors

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankfulness- From A-Z

Happy Thanksgiving!  So the 3 Girlz have realized that we're thankful for a lot of things this year.  So we decided to write down what we're thankful for from A-Z.  Enjoy!  And tell us in the comments what you're thankful for!
Challenge A
Door Within Trilogy
Egg rolls
Ice cream
Michael Vey series
Thanksgiving/3Girlz4God (The number starts with a T)
United Sates of America's history
Violin music

Animals (Some)/Answers
God/Grandmas/Graham Crackers/Goodies
Happy People/Hi's/Hello's/Hay/Hallways
Irritating People
Katie/Kitchens/Kool Aid
Love/Legos/Let It Go/Landon
Nora/Notebooks/Nail Polish
Oregon/Oreos/ Oatmeal
Ruby/Rugs/Running Shoes/Rain
Word (The)

Ice cream
Olaf (From Frozen)
Victory in Christ
Wisdom in the LORD

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Twelve Dawns Rise Cover

I so wish I could use this as the cover of my book:
But of course I found it on Google, so I can't use it.  It's also horizontal, and it would look weird on a cover.
BTW, here is a picture of what the moon is like in my book:

Except the smaller moon is grey.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Never Chit Chat With!!!!!!

We finally did it!!!!  I know we haven't put a video of this on for... a year, but we finally fixed all the problems and have successfully created a video and downloaded it.  So here it is!  Enjoy!

Audrey- Lady Jane Gray
Moriah- Host
Emma- Camera gir

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Twelve Dawns Rise

Here is a description of the story I'm (Emma) in the middle of writing right now.  I hope you enjoy!
Fifteen year old, Darrilynn Barker, has a secret.  A secret that makes her different from everyone else in this world.  But one day changes her life forever, and brings her into a world of people like her.  Into a world where griffins and dragons roam the skies.  Where a fight between good and evil begins, a fight for revenge and freedom.  Where the people will need Almighty, the Creator of the worlds.
   And Darrilynn is caught in the middle of it all.  Confused and doubtful, Darrilynn journeys through a Shadow of Death, and a Valley of Storms.  Darrilynn embarks on a journey of spiritual and physical battle, as she discovers the world she came from:  The Elemental Island.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Twelve Dawns Rise~ Clans

I (Emma) is in the middle of writing a book called, Twelve Dawns Rise.  In this story, their are seven separate clans, and I thought I'd share with you what each clan looks like.  Including the Imperium, which isn't an actual clan.

Cloud Valley:

Frost Woods:

The Woods:

Shocking Empire:

Mist Lakes:
(This picture is a little blurry, but you get it)

Flaming Forest:

Shades Forest:

And as a bonus:

(This is Sedona, Arionza)


(Here's the Shadow of Death, which is a little lighter then usual)

(And here is the Valley of Storms)

Hope you enjoyed this (BTW, a friend if mine, chose the pictures for, Frost Woods, Flaming Forest, Shades Forest, Mist Lake, and Shocking Empire)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Last night Moriah and Emma were talking, when Moriah farted in the middle of their conversation.  Here is the discussion that followed:

Emma:  (Singing to the tune of, “You won’t knock down our wall” from Veggietales)  Keep fart’in, but you won’t knock down our wall!  Keep fart’in, but she isn’t gonna fall!  It’s plain to see, your gas is very small, so keep fart’in, BUT YOU WON’T KNOCK DOWN OUR WALL!!
(Moriah starts laughing)
Emma:  BUT YOU WON’T KNOCK DOWN OUR WALL!... Oh, wait a second.  *repulsive voice*  Yep, I think that might do it.  I wonder if, while the Israelites were walking around the wall of Jericho, if one of them farted!  (Starts laughing)
Riah:  Yeah!  The trumpets blow… BBBBBBB *fart noise* Oops, there goes the wall!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Shot Heard Around the World

This week in school one of the Girlz, Riah, created a report on the Shot Heard Around the World.  I (Emma) was listening to her read her report, and one of the last sentences was, "To this day no one knows who shot the first shot.  But it was the shot heard of around the world."  That gave me a spark of inspiration for a short story.  To start this story off, "Who fired that first shot, the shot that was heard around the world?"
Here is the answer:

It was 1775, and Daniel Stockholm laid his gun on his shoulder.  He shouted to his wife, across the room, "I'm go'in out hunt'in, Bessie!  I'll come home with a large deer for dinner tomorrow night!"
   "Daniel, be careful!  I hear there are red-coats out tonight!"  Bessie answered.
   Daniel nodded, and left the house.  He breathed in the cold night air.  He always preferred hunting at night, less of a chance he might accidentally shoot someone.  For the next hour, he tracked some prints of a deer, and eventually it lead him to some bushes.  He glanced through the twigs and leaves of the branches, and found the sight of a few tens of America's minute-men holding guns and staring hard at something across from them.  The people across from them wore shiny red-coats, and fancy boots and hats.  They stood straight and "professional."  They were the red-coats, they worked for the King of England.  A general shouted at America's minute-men, "Disperse you rebels, or force will be used upon you!"
   The minute-men did not budge.  Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Daniel caught the sight of a deer.  Out of instinct, he turned his back on the debating soldiers and minute-men, and fired at the deer.  It fell to the ground, and as it did, he heard the sound of shots behind him.  He turned back, and saw a raging battle had begun between the two sides.  Gun shots rang in the night air.  Daniel sat, transfixed, for the next hour, until the Red-Coats began retreating.  Minutes later, Daniel was moving his deer, when he overheard the voice of two minute-men.  "Who shot that first time?"  One asked, "Us, or the Red-Coats?"
   The second man shrugged, "I don't know.  But it's started a war between Britain and America."
   Holy Moly!  I just started a war!  Daniel thought, realizing he had shot that first shot, when he shot his deer.  He journeyed home, in deep thought, dragging the deer behind him.  When he entered his home, he told Bessie (who was still awake out of worry) what had happened.  She brushed aside his worry, and responded, "Well at least you brought me food to make our dinner with.  That's all that matters.  Let the British and Americans have their silly war.  It doesn't matter nearly as much as our dinner!"

Wise Words From My Cousin

I was browsing through Facebook a couple weeks ago, and found one of my cousins post.  I began reading, and I decided I needed to share this with you.  Here are her wise words:

Ever get that bad feeling when you didn't do your homework? When you get to school and you try to laugh it off? But when you get to class and the teacher comes around and asks "did you do your homework Nickelle?" And then you have to shake your head no and get this feeling in your stomach because you are guilt about it. In that moment you wished you had more time to do it. But in reality you had a lot of time. You were just slacking off and procrastinating. That's how it's like with God. You go through life while he asks you to do thugs for him. You keep saying you will do it but you go back to your comfort zone and procrastinate. You wait until you want to do it. In the end God asks you "son/daughter, did you do what I asked of you?" And you have to look to God and say no you didn't. Then you go hide in your little hole and wish you had more time. You feel guilty. But just like the homework, God gave you plenty time. You just had to choose to do it.
We have to stop slacking off. We need to do what is right wether we want to or not. In both our relationship with God and school we all like the feeling of "yes I did it. I did what was asked of me." The teacher (God) is proud and is happy with you. I struggle with it too (homework & God) but all of us need to be better about being obedient. We need to do our homework.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tessah Lynn Jayne

At 5:43 October 20, Tessah Jayne was born.  Us Jaynes have a new beautiful addition!!!  She is 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and 22 inches.  The Jaynes now have five kids, all girls.  She has all five toes, five fingers, a nose (And an adorable little nose!), two eyes, and you know, everything is normal.  There was some trouble with her breathing in the beginning, but she's fine now, and an adorable little sister.  (To see Audreys little brothers post about his birth, it's here, Trevor Keith Murray)
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb.  
Psalm 139:13